Online library catalogue
Browse our library catalogue, or renew your items at our online catalogue page.
Book suggestions
If you’re looking for a good book to read, we can help!
- WhichBook - A new way of choosing what to read
- Goodreads
- Nb - a reference copy of the associated magazine NewBooks is available in our hub libraries
- Fantastic Fiction
- Literature Map
- Richard & Judy Book Club
- Shepherd
Black History Month
The theme for Black History Month 2023 is 'Saluting our Sisters'. Highlighting the crucial role Black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change and building communities.
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Reading Well
Reading Well is a national scheme coordinated by The Reading Agency. It comprises several collections of books selected by health professionals and people with lived experience, which are available through public libraries across the UK.
Visit the Reading Well website for further information.
Books in other languages
Books in other languages are available at North Shields Customer First Centre. We also have eBooks available via BorrowBox, our digital library.
Love2Read library card
Love to Read? With our Love2Read library card you can borrow up to 20 books and 8 audiobooks at a time and make unlimited free reservations, all for a £5 annual fee. Speak to a member of staff for details.
Suggest a book
Can’t find what you’re looking for? We welcome suggestions for books to add to our stock.
Reading groups
Reading groups are a great way to meet new people and share a love of reading. View our reading groups pages here.
Adult book lists
Great reads for discovering diverse voices and special collections - check out our book lists below.
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Children's book lists
Great reads for every young reader. Find a mix of historical and fantasy fiction, humour, adventure, and mystery.
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Home Educator Card
A Home Educator card will allow you to borrow up to 15 books from any of our public libraries for 28 days.
This is in addition to a personal card.
Choose from a huge range of board books, picture books, graphic novels, younger stories, older fiction, and information books suitable for all ages from birth to teens.
We have books that will appeal to every child regardless of age or reading ability, including a Dyslexia Friendly Collection, Dual Language Picture books and Reading Well for Young People collection.
Dyslexia Friendly
Barrington Stoke publish books with dyslexia-friendly fonts, off-white paper and careful spacing between words to help reduce visual stress.
Quick Reads are bite sized books by bestselling writers, boosting reading skills, confidence and engagement in learning - great for young adults who like to read.
Borrowbox, an eBook and eAudiobook app, has a feature where you can change the font to a dyslexia-friendly version and make the text larger.
Graphic novel illustrations can help to carry the story forward and help readers if they lose their place.
Read along Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Junior Edition has a read along button at the top of every page.
Coloured overlays are available in our larger libraries which may make reading easier and more comfortable for some children.