
How good are my Local Authority Social Care Services?

If you are receiving care, looking after someone who receives care, or just planning for your future care, it’s worth finding out how well our social care services are performing.

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England.

They make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.

As an independant regulator, CQC works with and encourages care services to improve.

The CQC issue their ratings and reports online, our Reablement service in North Tyneside is rated here 

You can find other CQC registered services including private, independant, commissioned and local authority provided services registered in North Tyneside by searching here

Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF)

You can find out how care services in your area are performing against measures in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF). 

North Tynesides latest results can be found here 

This will let you find out how people and their carers receiving funded care and support in North Tyneside rate:

  • Their quality of life 
  • Their satisfaction with care services 
  • Feeling safe

Alongside these are the levels of social services that the local authority offers, such as:

  • The number of people receiving direct payments 
  • The number of permanent admissions to care homes
  • Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

You can also compare these with national and regional averages, to see whether we are doing well, or could be performing better.

We also regularly survey our customers who receive services and care packages from us. This feedback comes direct from the public and helps us to measure what we are doing and how we perform, it also informs how we develop future services.
We also regularly publish our latest corporate and service performance reports and survey results.

Quality monitoring information

This information describes the system of monitoring the quality of social care services we commission on behalf of the people we support. They cover providers of domiciliary and residential care and supported living services. To find out more about the quality monitoring of social care services in North Tyneside please see our commissioning section and go to the relevant service area.