When you apply for planning permission, you must find out the type of planning consent that you need. If you are unsure, please contact us for advice.
Sometimes you may need to submit more than one type of application. For example, if you propose to carry out works to a listed building, this may need a submission of listed building consent as well as an application for planning permission.
Apply online
Apply for planning permission online via the Planning Portal.
Please Note; not all application types can be submitted online, the forms for these application types can be found here.
Your application will be sent electronically from the Planning Portal to us, along with any associated documents and fees (please check our validation checklists below to ensure you have all of the required submission documents and plans), Documents should be provided in a PDF format.
You are encouraged to submit your application via the planning portal and doing so will speed up the process of registering your application.
If you need to send us a large document you will need to send this via the Mimecast service. Please contact to let us know you wish to send a large file and we will arrange to send you a request for your file which will then be sent encrypted via Mimecast. You will receive an email containing information you need to send the file. We are unable to receive documents via any other document transfer service.
Help and advice on submitting applications online via the Planning Portal
Apply manually
Have you considered submitting online your application will reach us in a more efficient and timely manner, speeding up the application process.
We encourage you to submit your application online, but if you prefer printed forms, visit the Planning Portal.
Forms not available via the Planning Portal Paper Form Chooser or for online submission.
If you choose to submit manually this can be done by post or by email
Please note we are unable to accept compressed ZIP files. Advice on sending large documents electronically is set out above. You are encouraged to use the Planning Portal for your submission whenever possible.
Application fees can be paid by phone by contacting 0191 643 2310 or by cheque made payable to North Tyneside Council
You must sign one of the Ownership Certificates which are included in the form.
Certificate A should only be signed if the applicant is the sole owner of the land/property to which the application relates and there are no agricultural tenants, If your application relates to a leasehold flat or other leasehold property, Certificate A does not apply as the applicant is not the sole owner.
Notice to complete when signing Ownership Certificate B or C for Householder applications
What you must submit
Planning applications must, from the point at which they are received and registered, contain all the information we need to make a decision.
This helps planning officers to deal with your application more efficiently. Where possible all documents should be provided in a PDF format.
Our validation checklists (below) sets out the information you must include with your application.
Please be aware that all applications for planning permission will be expected to be accompanied by a CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Liable Planning Application Additional Information Requirement Form any application submitted without this form will be deemed as invalid.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
BNG is now mandatory for applications for major and minor applications and Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021) requires developers to deliver 10% BNG so that development results in more or better quality natural habitat than before. BNG can be delivered on site, off site (through registered offsite biodiversity gains) or through the purchase of statutory biodiversity credits with a clear preference for onsite delivery. Any habitat enhancement delivered must be maintained for at least 30 years after the development is completed. BNG will be secured by a pre-commencement condition requiring the submission of a Biodiversity Gain Plan.
Applicants are encouraged to consider BNG early in the development process, and factor it into site selection and design, and to discuss the BNG requirements for their proposal with the local planning authority through its pre-application advice service. Please also see validation advice below.
More information can be found online: Biodiversity net gain - GOV.UK (
For all developments requiring biodiversity net gain a standard deemed condition will be included on all planning permissions, requiring the submission of a Biodiversity Gain Plan. A template for this is available via the link below. In more complex cases a Section 106 agreement will be required. Where significant Biodiversity Net Gain is proposed, a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan will be required. This should include detailed information on how the habitat creation/enhancement will be undertaken, and how the habitats will be managed and monitored for the next 30 years. It should set out a schedule of monitoring visits and the surveys that will be required, as well as a caveat for regular reviews of the management measures and may include a procedure for remedial measures if the habitat is not developing as expected.
Biodiversity gain plan - GOV.UK (
Related documents
[PDF icon] BNG Guidance Developers (NTC) Feb 24 V1.pdf
Related documents
Application fees
Calculate your fees on the Planning Portal or download our scale of fees.
Regulations to increase planning fees by 25%, (35% major development), were made on the 8th November 2023, which means that the local planning authorities will be able to start applying the fee increase from the 6th December 2023. If you have submitted an application that is currently invalid, if this is still invalid after 5pm on 5th December 2023, then the new fee increase will apply.
The provision for a ‘free go’ on application resubmissions will also be removed, but individual applications that were already eligible for a free resubmission prior to the change (i.e. before 6th December 2023) will remain so. A fee is being introduced for the prior approval application required, as part of the permitted development rights for ‘development by the Crown on a closed defence site’.
Separately, the amendment introduces an annual rise in application fees linked to inflation (and capped at 10%) every April from 2025 onwards.
It also tightens the planning guarantee so that undetermined non-major applications (including householder developments) will be eligible to receive a refund after 16 weeks, shortened from the 26-week period which remains ‘as is’ in all other cases.
Related documents
Is your application valid
When we receive your application, it will be formally checked to make sure that it is accurate and complete. We won’t validate your application if any of the relevant information is missing or inaccurate, please read our validation checklists below to ensure all of the required information has been submitted with your application.
Please note that photographs of plans will not be accepted, any plans submitted must be of a true scale and size of the originally produced document. Your application will be deemed as invalid if you submit photographs of plans.
To comply with the requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) you are required to submit the following information:
• a statement as to whether the applicant believes the development is subject to the biodiversity gain condition (on application form);
• A biodiversity metric showing the pre-development biodiversity value of the onsite habitat on the date of application;
• a statement confirming whether the biodiversity value of the onsite habitat is lower on the date of application because of the carrying out of activities (‘degradation’);
• a description of any irreplaceable habitat; and
• a plan showing onsite habitat existing on the date of application
In accordance with government guidance from the 1st August 2021, any planning applications for buildings 18m in height or more or 7 or more storeys containing two or more dwellings or educational accommodation will be required to be accompanied by a fire statement (Word Version).
Related documents
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
[COVID-19 Response :: In response to the current lockdown measures that are in place the Authority has introduced greater flexibility in its collection of due CIL instalments from liable persons. Until further notice the Authority is prepared to accept deferral of CIL payments for a period of 3 months. If you would like to request a deferral of a CIL payment or would like further information about the Council’s response please contact]
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. It came into force on 6 April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. Most new development which creates net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable for the levy. More information on CIL can be found by visiting the Planning Portal.
CIL was adopted by Full Council on the 22nd November 2018, and the charges will be implemented across North Tyneside's charging areas from 14th January 2019. Please note that any planning applications which have not been granted before 14th January 2019 may be liable to pay the CIL. North Tyneside's charging zones for CIL can be found here.
Please note that at the point of submission your planning application should be accompanied by Additional Information Requirements Form, if this form has not been submitted then your application will be deemed as invalid. All of the CIL forms required for your application can be found via the Planning Portal.
If the CIL process is not followed correctly the following surcharges/interest will be applied:
- Surcharge of £50 on each person liable to pay CIL for failure to assume liability (Regulation 80)
- Surcharge of £500 for each material interest where liability has to be apportioned (Regulation 81)
- Surcharge equal to 20% or £2,500 of the chargeable amount, whichever is the lower amount, for failure to submit a Notice of Chargeable Development (Regulation 82)
- Surcharge equal to 20% or £2,500 of the chargeable amount, whichever is the lower amount, for failure to submit a Commencement Notice (Regulation 83)
- Surcharge equal to 20% or £2,500 of the chargeable amount, whichever is the lower amount, for failure to notify of a disqualifying event (Regulation 84)
- Surcharge equal to 5% or £200, whichever is the greater amount, on the outstanding liability for late payment after the end of 30 days after the liability is due, further increasing after outstanding after six months and after 12 months under Regulation 85
- Surcharge equal to 20% or £1,000 of the relevant amount, whichever is the lower amount, for failure to comply with an Information Notice under Regulation 86
- Late payment interest at a rate of 2.5% on the relevant amount above Bank of England Base Rate due from the date payment was due under Regulation 87