The appeals process
Find out about the different types of appeals at the Planning Portal.
How to appeal
An appeal can only be submitted by or on behalf of the original applicant. The timescales for appealing a refusal can be found on your Refusal of Planning Permission or on your Enforcement Notice.
When you submit an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate you must also send a copy to us, along with copies of any documentation.
More information about submitting appeals can be found at GOV.UK and the Planning Portal.
Commenting on appeals
No-one can comment on a householder planning appeal. We will forward any comments submitted at application stage to the Planning Inspectorate.
Anyone can comment on a planning appeal (not including Householder appeals).
The deadline for comments is:
- 5 weeks after the start date of the appeal, or
- 6 weeks after the date on the enforcement notice
We must tell anyone who has commented on the original application (‘interested parties’) that there’s an appeal. We must do this within a week of the appeal being validated by the Planning Inspectorate.