Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Cabinet, Council and its committees and sub-committees, but during discussion of certain matters which the law allows to be discussed confidentially, the public will be asked to leave. These matters will be identified on the agenda.
Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings, but may do so if invited by the Chair. If a member of the public has a special interest in an item on the agenda and wants to speak, they should tell the Democratic Services Officer, who will pass on the request to the Chair.
Copies of the agenda are available at least five days before each meeting from Democratic Services and are also available under the page of the relevant committee on the web site.
Members of the public may also take photographs, film, audio-record or report via social media the proceedings of those meetings except in circumstances where the public have been excluded as permitted by law.
Anyone wishing to do so is requested to contact Democratic Services in advance of the meeting by emailing
You can view a calendar of all committee and council meetings and find all the relevant papers, agendas and associated information.
You can read the Protocol for public reporting of meetings for guidance on what to expect.