Planning constraints


There are a number of planning constraints that may have an affect on your development proposal.  The submission for pre-application advice before going ahead with a formal planning application, is a good way to establish the level of information that you will be required to submit as part of your planning application.

A list of submission requirements for planning applications can be found within the Tyneside Validation Checklist and when these documents/reports may be required.

Some key points to consider;

  • Air Quality
  • Open Space
  • Archaeology
  • Ecology
  • Conservation and Heritage
  • Pollution – Noise and Odour
  • Sustainability
  • Town Centre uses
  • Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land

The Borough of North Tyneside has a long history of industrial development that dates back to the early 19th century.  As a result some areas of land within the Borough contain industrial pollution.

Find out more at our Contaminated Land section.

Related documents

Coal Mining Risk and the Development Process

Parts of North Tyneside have been identified as 'Coal Mining Development Referral Areas'. These are areas, based upon Coal Authority records, where the potential land stability and other safety risks associated with former coal mining activities are likely to be greatest. They include, for example, areas of known or suspected shallow coal mining, recorded mine entries and areas of former surface mining.

For all new development proposals within Coal Mining Development Referral Areas that require planning permission, except householder developments, the Coal Authority will expect a Coal Mining Risk Assessment to be prepared and submitted with your planning application to the Local Planning Authority.

The Coal Mining Risk Assessment should outline the mining position in relation to your development site and assess any risks to the development proposed.  It should also outline any mitigation measures that are required to ensure that the development will be safe and will not lead to any future ground instability or other public safety issues.

More detail on how to assess the impact of mining works on development, the referral area maps and further information about who can prepare the Coal Mining Risk Assessment, and the issues it will need to cover, can be found here.

Your attention is drawn to the Coal Authority Policy in relation to new development and mine entries available at Gov.UK.

Flood Risk and Drainage

If your site is with an area at risk of flooding then you may be required to submit further information with your planning application. If flooding is an issue the Environment agency will be consulted on your application. You can find out whether your site is within a flood risk area and any implications of that on the Environment Agency website and the Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

The North Tyneside Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) forms a planning tool that enables the council to select and develop sustainable allocations away from vulnerable flood risk areas.

The SFRA assists the council to make spatial planning decisions required to inform the Development Plan and consider the impact of flooding on proposed development.

From April 2015, the Council’s Lead Local Flood Authority became a statutory consultee on surface water management for major development. It is strongly recommended pre-application discussions are held with the case officer about the implications of Sustainable Drainage Systems.

General advice with respect to flooding can be accessed on the Environment Agency Website.

The Environment Agency have also produced standing advice to enable local planning authorities in England to make decisions on low risk planning applications where flood risk is an issue without directly consulting the Environment Agency for an individual response.

Where it is clear that a Flood Risk Assessment is required to support a planning application, this should be provided at the time of submission of the application.

Site of Special Scientific Interest

The North Tyneside coastline falls within the Northumberland Shore SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest).

Map of SSSI

Impact Risk Zones for SSSI

​For residential development which falls within​ the 6km Impact Zones (show on the map below), you will be required to provide a Shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA).  To demonstrate the impact that your proposals would have on the SSSI.

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