About delegated decisions


The Local Government Act 2000 provides for individual Council Members to make decisions on behalf of the Council.

In North Tyneside, a scheme of delegation to Cabinet Members was introduced in May 2007. The aim of this scheme is to make the decision-making process more efficient by allowing individual cabinet members to make routine decisions, so that Cabinet meetings can focus on strategic issues.

The following decisions have been delegated to cabinet members:

  • approval of the Authority's response to government consultation papers
  • approval of service specific plans
  • approval of debt write off up to £50,000 (Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Resources)
  • Approval of responses to regional strategies that impact on the Borough
  • Approval of any proposals directly related to the delivery of objectives in the approved Our North Tyneside Plan
  • to determine Traffic Regulation Orders where any objections are not withdrawn (Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing and Transport)
  • to consider any objections received, but not withdrawn, in relation to the proposed construction of road humps (Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing and Transport)
  • approval of the Member Development Programme (Deputy Mayor)

Most of the same principles of openness and transparency that apply to Cabinet decisions also apply to delegated decisions. Decisions to be taken are recorded on the forward plan and a record of the decision is published.

You can find records of delegated decisions below. Decisions are separated by municipal year, and are listed by the Cabinet Member responsible

Recently taken delegated decisions

When a delegated decision is taken the decision record and report will be published here.

Related documents

Archived decisions