
How to get your COVID-19 vaccination in North Tyneside

Be wise - Immunise

The risks of COVID-19 and flu are still real.  Get your vaccinations to protect yourself and the people you love.

For some people flu and COVID-19 can be serious so now is the time to top up your immunity with a COVID-19 booster and annual flu vaccine to keep you, your friends and family safe.

Eligible groups include residents of care homes for older people, people aged 65 and over, those in a clinical risk group, carers, pregnant women and health and social care staff. 

School-aged children will be able to get the flu vaccine at school or community clinics, and children aged two and three years will be able to get an appointment with their GP practice. 

Walk-in clinics are promoted on the following websites:

Questions or concerns?

You can contact TyneHealth's vaccine helpline by telephone (0191) 486 2001 or email

Book or change an appointment

Go to the NHS website here or telephone 119 (7am- 11pm, seven days a week).

What to do if you have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19

If you have COVID-19, or think you might, wait until you feel better before getting vaccinated.

You should also wait if you have a high temperature or feel particularly unwell with any illness. If you have recently got better from COVID-19, there is no need to delay getting vaccinated.

 For further information visit the NHS website here.

COVID-19 vaccination status verification

  • GP practices CANNOT provide you with vaccination status certification
  • Proof of vaccination status will be done via the existing NHS app
  • You can download and register the app to view your vaccination status
  • You can also call 119 if you need a letter for foreign travel
  • We ask that you don’t call your GP practice about this, as our practices are unable to assist with this