Postal and proxy voting

Postal voting

  • Deadline to apply for a postal vote – 5pm on Monday 14 April.
  • If you are already registered to vote by post, you will receive your postal voting pack from 17 April.
  • Postal vote applicants must already be registered to vote.
  • Only postal votes which arrive back by 10pm on polling day will be counted.
  • Forgot to send your postal vote back in time? Completed and sealed postal vote packs can be dropped into any polling station in the same voting area on polling day.  You must complete a short form when dropping off your postal vote.
  • Lost your postal vote or it didn’t arrive? You can apply for a replacement pack from Friday 25 April until 5pm on polling day. From 5pm on 30 April, replacement postal ballot packs will only be issued in person at North Tyneside Council, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY. You will need to bring proof of identification: one photographic ID like a passport or driving licence, or two pieces of ID which confirm your name and address like a bank statement, utility bill or official letter.
  • Apply here or call (0191) 643 2270. 

Proxy voting

If you are unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote

  • Deadline to apply for a proxy vote – 5pm on Wednesday 23 April.
  • A proxy voter is someone you trust who you appoint to vote on your behalf.
  • You must already be registered to vote to make a proxy application.
  • Your proxy must be eligible to vote in the election and will need to be able to vote in person at your polling station, or can apply to cast their proxy vote by post. They will receive a letter at their address giving them all the necessary details.
  • If you are a postal voter and want to change the way you vote to proxy, you must cancel your postal vote by 5.00 pm on Monday 14 April.
  • Apply for a proxy vote here.
  • Emergency proxy votes may be available from after the proxy deadline until 5pm on polling day but only in specific circumstance.