Northumberland Park: Healthy Links to Metro Scheme


North Tyneside Council is committed to enabling more people to use active and sustainable forms of travel, which supports its ambition to work towards the borough being carbon net-zero by 2030.

The council, supported by its partner Capita, acquired funding from the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund to improve sustainable travel links in the vicinity of Northumberland Park Metro Station.

What improvements were carried out?

The following improvements were carried out:

  • ‘Quiet Ways’ treatment in the form of speed cushions, raised tables and a new 20mph speed limit along Station Road, Backworth;
  • New toucan crossings for pedestrians and cyclists on the south-eastern and north-western arms of the Station Road/Shiremoor Bypass roundabout;
  • On-road cycle symbols and ‘SLOW’ text to complement the existing 20mph speed limit along Station Road, Shiremoor.

More information

If you have a query, or require further information, please contact the Major Projects team via Tel: (0191) 643 6500, or Email: