The cost of school uniform can be a concern for some and in North Tyneside there is lots of support available in the to help parents and carers.
This information is subject to change and we'd always recommend you speak directly to your child's school for more information.
School uniform grant
Applications have temporarily closed for our school uniform grant. We recieved a high number of applications and we will be working through responses in the coming weeks.
If you have been allocated a grant you will recieve the payment automatically and if not, we'll be in touch this month to let you know.
Funding is limited from our Household Support Fund.
School uniform application form
If you have any queries can be emailed to
Support in local schools
North Tyneside's participation team have worked with 29 schools to help them establish their own school uniform support schemes which include pre-loved uniform and swap shops.
The following schools now have schemes in place:
Amberley Primary
Pre-loved uniform is available in the foyer of the school where parents can help themselves without judgement. New uniform is available for families who are struggling and is available upon request. Visit the website here.
Appletree Gardens First School
Offers preloved uniform for free which is located outside of the school office.
Bailey Green Primary School
Bailey Green keep a supply of uniform in school that has been donated from other parents. This is always available should any parent need this.
Balliol Primary School
A stock of pre owned uniform is available direct from school. Parents and carers can drop in during normal working hours (8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday during term time) or contact the school office at
Battle Hill Primary School
The school offers the use of a swap shop, where good quality, pre-used uniform and other clothing, including winter coats and footwear, are available. Please note the title 'Swap Shop' does not mean you have to donate. Financial assistance is available for new uniform to families who may be struggling. This support is considered upon request and is dealt with confidentially.
Burnside College
Parents and carers can contact the school if they require any financial support with purchasing uniform items.
Benton Dene Primary
The ‘Little Green Shed’ project here is ran by a group of volunteers from a dedicated container bought for the project, its sees school uniform donated, sorted into age, year group, zone and then collected by those who need the support.
Benton Dene School
At parents’ evenings, a table of available items are left out for parents to take what their child may need. The school also hosts specific pre-loved coffee afternoons where parents can bring uniforms in and swap for bigger sizes etc. Finally, there is information shared in the school newsletter where parents are invited to contact the home school link team, who will put a collection of items together and send them home.
Burradon Community Primary
Burradon Primary liaises directly with parents to ask questions about their uniform needs. Local schemes are advertised on the school’s website and a stock of donated items is kept in school and is distributed to parents who complete a uniform request sheet. Before the summer holidays, the school also hosts a Swap Shop where parents can donate uniform which is now too small and swap it for items which have been donated by other parents to be used in the next school year.
Carville Primary School
The school has pre-owned cardigans and jumpers available from the office at all time. Various sizes are available, depending on what has been donated. All donated uniform is machine washed at school.
Pre-owned and washed t-shirts, trousers, skirts, dresses etc are available during the week at set times. Days/times TBC. More information will be issued directly to parents.
George Stephenson High School
The school has a supply of donated (sometimes new) school uniform items. They give them to families, free of charge, when requests are made. Unfortunately, they may not have all sizes, but welcome all requests. The school will will shortly be adding a form to our website, where families can request uniform, as well as being able to contact school directly.
Greenfields Community Primary School
Greenfields has a stock of pre-loved uniform for anyone who needs it. Families can contact the school office on 0191 6250100 or by emailing to inform them of their requirements. Alternatively, go to the school office and speak to Miss Watton who will be able to help you. During the first week of term, including on our INSET days, uniform will be set out next to the main office for families to select from.
Hadrian Park Primary
The school has a trolley of pre-loved uniform which one of their parents takes to a central spot at the school gates on a Monday and Friday at the end of the school day. The items on the trolley can be bought for £1 or parents can bring an item to swap for another item.
John Spence High School
Runs an extensive and well equipped uniform bank of good quality second hand and some items of new uniform including shoes and trainers - these are lent out on a daily basis for pupils who don't have any items they need for that day or long term loaned for pupils who may be facing longer term difficulties. Stock of worn but good quality coats available to give to pupils in need School have also hosted swap shop events which have been well attended.
There is an online form for families to request school clothing items if needed. Visit the website here.
Kings Priory School
Offer discounted prices for items of uniform at our Sustainable shop.
Marden High School
A well equipped uniform stock with good quality new and second hand uniform including blazers, jumpers, trousers, skirts, leggings, PE hoodies, PE shorts, shoes and trainers is lent out on a daily basis for pupils who don't have the items they need for that day or long term loaned for pupils who may require this support. They meet with parents of Y6 children joining Marden to provide uniform if needed and there is information and contact details online for families to request school clothing items if needed. Support remains in place for students all through the school and welcome donations from families, alongside the work we do with the Council to ensure a wide range of uniform in excellent condition so every child can enjoy wearing the full Marden High School uniform. Visit the website here.
Marine Park First School
The school has a uniform swap shop in the main entrance. Parents can donate and pick up uniform as and when they need it.
Monkhouse Primary School
The school always has spare uniform and lost property at the end of each term and this is out for families to take at the front of school and in the yard. They support parents with the cost of their child's first set of PE uniform - they subsidise the price. They don't enforce the purchase of 'branded' school items. Families can purchase plain items from supermarkets etc.
Monkseaton High
Monkseaton High School used funds from the Household Support Grant to create uniform packages for families. This allows a student to receive the following, brand new items of uniform: two school polo shirts, two school sweatshirts, one PE polo shirt, one pair of PE shorts, one pair of PE socks, one winter jacket. They place the order with its uniform supplier, which then delivers it to the student’s home address. The school also has a well-stocked and well-used Uniform Swap Shop in school, so once students have grown out of the initial items purchased, they can bring them in to exchange.
New York Primary
A free of charge, pre loved/worn school uniform store is at the front entrance of school. This includes all items of uniform across the terms including summer item and PE kits. A selection of warm clothing including coats and anoraks and some footwear is also available. Where they are unable to provide from our preloved/worn supplies we urge families to let us know their need and we can provide uniform items from supermarket ranges. Visit the website here.
Norham High School
Norham High School has set up an in-house uniform bank which allows the school to support pupils swiftly and with no stigma attached. The project provides free of charge new and preloved uniforms as well as other items, all year round. This is not means-tested. As a school, they aim to:
- Meet the needs of all our pupils no matter what their circumstances
- Provide a whole school uniform to help any young person integrate into our school community
- Increase community involvement with our school
The initiative, delivered in conjunction with the Council, ensures each and every young person has a school uniform regardless of their circumstances. The initiative not only helps families save money but also encourages families to do their bit for the environment by recycling and reusing preloved school uniform.
Richardson Dees Primary School
The school only has one compulsory item of clothing - a school hoodie or sweatshirt - and they provide the initial one free of charge. They offer a free second hand uniform rail which parents can just help themselves from and is located in the front entrance. They hold stock of some new uniform which is available for anyone struggling or is provided to pupils who may require something for any reason.
Riverside Primary School
They provide a uniform exchange throughout the year and encourage parents to support with donations. They also have a limited amount of new uniform we have purchased (excluding embroidered sweatshirts) for the beginning of the new academic year. They hold a stock of plimsolls that can be purchased in school throughout the year.
Rockcliffe First School
Parents and carers can exchange outgrown garments for those in the correct size, or purchase items for a small voluntary contribution (recommended 50p per item but this is not compulsory). Operates a 'swap and sell' system for second-hand uniform and has stalls at all special events and at other times throughout the year. Parents/carers may ask their children's teachers or TAs about uniform items at any time. There's no obligation to buy garments with the school badge and that generic items from supermarkets or other outlets are perfectly acceptable.
Shiremoor Primary School
Parents and carers should contact the school office if they are struggling with uniform or any other school related costs.
Southlands School
The school has a supply of pre-loved uniform in school. Parents can contact school on 0191 300 0505 should they need uniform. There will be opportunities for parents to be able to see the stock at parents evening and select items for their child. Donations from parents for pre-loved uniforms, coats and shoes are welcomed. They have a flexible approach to branded clothing - students can wear non-branded items both for sensory and financial needs.
St Bartholomew's C of E Primary School
Spare, second hand uniform is available for no cost. Extra support is also available for families in receipt of Pupil Premium and other vulnerable pupils.
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
The school offers a confidential avenue for all families to request either full or partial support with purchase of school uniform. The level of annual support is limited to funding we have available but they aim to supply at least two sets of uniform for each child. They have pre-loved items available from school and offer opportunities in year for access to support. They actively encourage recycling of uniform and are looking to develop a uniform hub at the school in the coming year.
Sir Thomas More Catholic High School
Runs a pre-loved uniform shop and provide support for families in need with financial costs of school through the email address
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
They have free pre-loved uniform available in school. Families can also donate uniform to use in the Uniform Swap Shop.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School (Forest Hall)
Hosts a uniform swap shop. They take in uniform in good clean condition and parents can contact the school office if they need something.
Star of the Sea Primary School
Offers a recycle scheme where they encourage parents to send pre loved uniform into school. Parents can contact the office to collect or exchange uniform via or calling 0191 6432080.
Valley Gardens Middle School
As a school they strongly support upcycling and redistribution of school uniform. Parents very kindly donate items which are no longer of use and these items are laundered and re-distributed to other parents.
Waterville Primary
The school regularly has donations from local providers which consist of trousers, skirts and polo shirts. Each term they display any spare uniform in our playground to be collected by parents. Any parents who would like further support please contact the school office.
Western Community Primary School
The school has storage boxes of used clean donated uniform. The uniform is organised in age/size to make it easily accessible to families. In addition, they also have racks of winter coats and shoes/trainers. The racks and boxes are placed outside the main entrance to school for families to help themselves to.
Whitley Bay High School
The coastal based secondary school has an account with its local uniform provider where the school can pre-pay for uniform for some students. The school also holds a small stock of items to distribute, discreetly, to students when an item is required and isn’t attainable, including PE kit. For colder months, the school has an arrangement with Newcastle United for donations of winter coats which are then distributed to students in need.
Woodlawn School
A range of donated uniform is available for both primary and secondary and support is available for individual families where required.