Prevent in North Tyneside


Prevent is a part of the Government's Counter Terrorism Strategy that aims to tackle the ideological causes of terrorism.  Prevent works with people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism or supporting terrorism.

If you are a professional (Teachers, Social Worker, Housing etc), concerned about someone who may be at risk of radicalisation  and you wish to discuss your concerns then please get in touch at If you wish to make a Prevent Referral, please use the National Referral Form and send it to

If you are member of the public or work in the Voluntary Sector, and you are concerned about someone who may be being drawn into supporting terrorism, and wish to discuss your concerns before a referral is made, please call the ACT Early Support Line on 0800 011 3764. Your call will be taken by specially trained officers.  

In an emergency where your own or others' safety is at risk call 999

Find out more in the Prevent and Channel factsheet – 2023


What is Prevent

Prevent is part of the Government's Counter-Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) 

The CONTEST Strategy has four parts: 

  • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
  • Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
  • Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack
  • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.

Prevent works in a similar way to programmes designed to safeguard people from gangs, drug abuse, physical and sexual abuse. In practice, it provides an enhanced response to tackle the causes of radicalisation, in communities and online; continued effective support to those who are vulnerable to radicalisation; and disengagement from terrorist activities by those already engaged in or supporters of terrorism.


Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.
Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terror groups (Prevent Duty Guidance, England and Wales - 2023)
Terrorism is the use of violence or threat of violence in order to affect a political, religious, or ideological change.

ACT Early

ACT Early - Counter Terrorism Policing safeguarding website 

THE impact of Covid-19, social isolation and a rise in hateful extremism online is creating a ‘perfect storm’ which is making more young people vulnerable to radicalisation and other forms of grooming. 

But parents, friends and families can now get specialist support to stop their loved ones being drawn into harmful activities or groups, with the launch of ACT Early - a new dedicated safeguarding website and advice line from the specialists at Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP). 

This new resource will provide advice, guidance and support for anyone who is concerned that someone they know may be at risk from being radicalised by terrorists or extremist content online. 

Prevent is just that – a preventative programme, delivered locally by teachers, healthcare practitioners, social workers, the police, charities, and religious leaders. It places protection around people vulnerable to radicalisation, stopping them from being drawn into terrorism – regardless of the ideology. 

to add your group under Access Category, below.


What it means when someone is radicalised

Radicalisation is the process someone goes through when they start to believe extremist ideas and develop support for terrorism.

Many factors could lead to someone being radicalised and part of our work is to try and stop this from happening.

We know that people become radicalised for different reasons, and that’s why we work with lots of different organisations to spot worrying behaviour so we can help people at risk of radicalisation, early on. Mental health, substance abuse or a change in personal circumstances can all be crucial factors in radicalisation but everyone is different. A number of complex factors can lead to someone being radicalised and every individual will be different.
Every individual is different, but the warning signs could include: isolating themselves from friends and family, unwillingness or inability to discuss their views, talking as if from a scripted speech, starting to support violence, being un-interested in activities they previously liked to do, researching extremist material on a computer or phone, following or speaking to extremists on social media


Channel is part of the Prevent programme. 

It’s a voluntary, confidential, early intervention programme that supports people who may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism. Many types of support are available as part of Channel. These include support at school, in the workplace, for substance abuse and with specialist mentors, mental health key workers and doctors. 

We work with all kinds of groups and organisations, in much the same way that partners come together to help people who’ve been groomed by gangs or involved in sexual exploitation. 

Taking part in Channel doesn’t go on someone’s criminal record. It means getting the right kind of help for the person who needs support.

The Channel programme - Case study - GOV.UK  

Channel and Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) guidance

Prevent in North Tyneside

Our focus

The focus of prevent in North Tyneside is: To keep children and adults safe from being drawn into terrorism.

We work with individuals and communities before a crime has been committed and to safeguard and support the most vulnerable from being radicalised.

Prevent is supported by three objectives: 

  • Responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it (ideology);
  • Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support (individuals); and
  • Working with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address (institutions).

If you suspect it, report it.

This involves delivering training and raising awareness of Prevent so that the signs of radicalisation can be recognised in individuals showing concerning behaviour.

Education, resources and guidance

The Prevent duty in education

As an education practitioner you must safeguard children and young people in England from extremists and extremist views in school. The council, Government and the Emergency Planning and Community Safety Team have a range of advice and support available.

The Department for Education’s (DfE's) ‘Prevent’ duty states that we must:

“safeguard children and young people in England from extremists and extremist views in school and in out of school hours learning and stop young people from becoming radicalised or acting on extreme views.”

Useful links

Local Guidance for Schools

The Emergency Planning and Community Safety team in North Tyneside offer a range of free opportunities and resources to support education settings in meeting the Prevent Duty on both a proactive and reactive basis. 

This offer includes:

  • In-house and centralised staff training opportunities 
  • Policy advice and guidance, such as risk assessment templates
  • Tailored support and responses to concerns or referrals around at-risk individual

Online Safety

What steps can I take to keep children safe online?

You can switch on family friendly filters to help prevent age-inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home. There is lots of advice from a range of organisations which you might find helpful.

Report your concerns

Online Prevent Referral form (North Tyneside)

Get help for radicalisation concerns - GOV.UK

North Tyneside Prevent

If you're worried about someone being drawn into extremism or terrorism or you are unsure what to do, you can contact the council’s Emergency Planning and Community Safety Team via


In an emergency where your own or others' safety is at risk call 999 or 101 in non-emergency.

Anti-Terrorist Hotline

If you are concerned about a person may do something to harm themselves and/or other people, you can call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321

You can also report any illegal terrorist information, pictures, videos found on the internet through the Government's website.

Online learning

Prevent duty courses

In these training courses, you will learn about:

  • the Prevent duty
  • different extremist ideologies that can lead to terrorism 
  • the risk around radicalisation and your supportive role
  • making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention
  • the interventions and support available

ACT Awareness eLearning - National Counter Terrorism Security Office 

This training is devised by Counter Terrorism (CT) officers and security experts. ACT awareness eLearning will provide you with a nationally recognised corporate CT guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology.