Free recruitment services
Education to Employment helps employers based in North Tyneside to grow their business, creating opportunities for local people.
We offer a range of free services including:
- recruitment and creating apprenticeship positions
- analysis of your business skills need
- skills matching your vacancy to the right candidate
- free vacancy advertising
- promoting your vacancies in the local area
- identifying and sourcing recruitment and training support
- managing your recruitment process
- creating effective job descriptions
- interview support and facilities
- identifying financial incentives
- investigating work experience options
- support in redundancy situations
Engaging with schools
Education to Employment makes a real difference to young people by giving them higher and broader aspirations.
We work with schools and employers to prepare young people for the world of work.
Working in partnership with local businesses and institutions, we:
- plan activities and events so young people can see the relevance and links between their learning and the world of work
- help them gain knowledge of the career opportunities available
We're always looking for business to support our work.
Contact us
Education to Employment
Telephone: (0191) 643 2288