Make a payment
You can also pay:
- by automated payment line on 0345 2000 107 (open 24 hours)
- by plastic payment card at a Post Office or PayPoint outlet
If you don't pay
If you don't pay, we might refer the debt to the Small Claims Court for further enforcement via a County Court Judgment.
This is usually a last resort. A final warning letter (Letter Before Action) will be sent first.
This letter will tell you about:
- the outstanding debt
- free debt advice available
- other actions, like mediation
Fees will be incurred if it does go to Court and if the debt still remains unpaid the Judgment can be further enforced by ordering you to appear in Court to explain your circumstances to a Judge.
They could also issue an Attachment of Earnings Order or instruct an Enforcement Agent (bailiff) or High Court Enforcement Officer to collect the debt, who have the power to remove and sell your goods.
They could freeze any assets you have in Bank/Building Society accounts, stocks and shares or issue a Charging Order which could result in your property being sold.
Depending on the amount of debt outstanding and which Court is used fees range from £35 - £120 for the initial referral. Ordering someone to appear in Court is either £50 or £100 depending on the method of service and transferring a case to the High Court for enforcement is £60. Other actions cost initially £100.
Various other fees up to £325 will be payable if a final Charging Order is issued or if the case is defended and an actual hearing is required.
If you are struggling to pay please contact us.
Contact us
Telephone: 0345 2000 101 (Mon to Fri, 7.30am - 8pm - You'll need your account number and debit/credit card to hand)
Online enquiry form