
Search for early years childcare providers in North Tyneside, using our online directory, which is available here   



Support With Childcare Costs

The Government's Childcare Choices website brings together all the existing childcare offers in one place, so parents can get the help that fits their family.  Some families might be eligible to use more than one childcare scheme.  


Eligible parents can use Tax-Free Childcare and the childcare element of Universal Credit against payment for registered childcare, including school-aged childcare.


Two year old offer - families receiving additional Government support

Eligible 2 year olds can get 15 hours of free childcare a week, for 38 weeks (a maximum entitlement of 570 hours).  Parents can stretch their entitlement over more than 38 weeks by taking fewer hours per week, at participating providers if they are receiving additional Government support.  Children can take their 2 year old entitlement from the funding period after their 2nd birthday. 

1st April to 31st August birthday - can take up their funded place in autumn term, which begins in September.  

1st September to 31st December birthday - can take up their funded place in spring term, which begins in January.  

1st January to 31st March birthday - can take up their funded place in summer term, which begins in April.  (Please note that this is the case even if the Easter break falls after 1st April).

Check if you are eligible for the 2 Year Old Offer using the Citizen Portal -  (see guide to using Citizen Portal in documents below).   You can apply now for a code to access the entitlement.  Families must share the code with their chosen childcare provider for verification before they can take up their funded place.     Children can only access one of the 2 year old funded entitlements each term.  

Non- UK citizen who cannot claim benefits 

If your immigration status says you have ‘no recourse to public funds’, you may still get funded childcare for your 2-year-old. You must live in England and your household income must be no more than:

£26,500 for families outside of London with one child
£34,500 for families within London with one child
£30,600 for families outside of London with two or more children
£38,600 for families within London with two or more children

You cannot have more than £16,000 in savings or investments.

If you think you are eligible under these criteria you will have to complete a separate application. Please email with your contact details if you meet the eligibility criteria above.

Related documents

Working Families Entitlement - 9+ Months

Eligible working parents of children from 9 months old can access 15 hours of government-funded childcare a week.  Eligible working parents are able to apply for the entitlement using the Childcare Choices website. Parents applying for working families entitlement will get an immediate determination of eligibility, HMRC may require further information to make the decision for some parents. Parents should therefore apply in good time. 

Children can take their  entitlement from the funding period after they turn 9 months.   

  • 1st April to 31st August - can take up their funded place in autumn term, which begins in September.  
  • 1st September to 31st December - can take up their funded place in spring term, which begins in January.  
  • 1st January to 31st March - can take up their funded place in summer term, which begins in April.  (Please note that this is the case even if the Easter break falls after 1st April).


Parents must register for the working families entitlement on the Childcare Choices website the funding period before they want to start taking their entitlement.  The deadlines for applying for funding are as follows:

  • Summer term   Deadline for applications is 31st March
  • Autumn term    Deadline for applications is 31st August 
  • Spring               Deadline for applications is 31st December

Funding for spring term 2025 has now closed.  Families must have applied for an eligibility code by 31st March2025, if they want to access the funded hours in summer term 2025.  Parents must provide the code to their childcare provider for verification, before a child can take up their entitlement.  Families must renew their codes to remain eligible for the funding and must have a valid code on 1st April 2025 to receive funding in summer term 2025.  Families applying for an eligibility code on or after 1st January 2025 can access their code in summer term, providing their code is successfully renewed.  Children must be attending their childcare place by Thursday 15th May 2025 to receive the funded place in summer term.  Parents will need to reconfirm that their details are up to date through their childcare account (or through their LA for foster parents).  If an eligible child has started a funded placement and the parent subsequently falls out of eligibility, the child will receive a grace period of funding.   Eligible parents should continue to apply for, and reconfirm, their eligibility code even if they are not currently accessing their entitlement.  

What’s happening in September 2025? 

In September 2025, the 15 hours for working parents of children under 3 will expand to 30 hours, meaning eligible working parents will be able to claim 30 hours of childcare all the way through from the term after their child turns 9 months to school age.



Working families entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds

Eligible working families with children aged 3 to 4 years are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare a week, for 38 weeks of the year (in addition to their universal 15 hours entitlement).

Families apply through the Government’s Childcare Choices website.  

Parents must register for the working families entitlement on the Childcare Choices website the funding period before they want to start taking their entitlement.  The deadlines for applying for funding are as follows:

  • Summer term   Deadline for applications is 31st March
  • Autumn term    Deadline for applications is 31st August 
  • Spring               Deadline for applications is 31st December

Most parents will get an immediate decision on their eligibility. HMRC may require further information to make the decision for some parents. Parents should therefore apply in good time.  Parents must provide their childcare setting with the eligibility code for verification, before they can take up their entitlement.  Parents will need to reconfirm that their details are up to date through their childcare account every three months (or through their LA for foster parents).  If an eligible child has started a funded placement and the parent subsequently falls out of eligibility, the child will receive a grace period of funding.   

Eligible children can receive the working families entitlement (3&4 year olds) from the start of the funding period following their third birthday (click here for more details).  A child is only entitled to start their working families entitlement (3&4 year olds) place the term following the child’s third birthday or the term following receipt of a valid eligibility code, whichever is later.  Families are no longer entitled to the working families entitlement when they start full-time education (i.e. reception year at school).

Parents must renew their code to remain eligible. Children starting a new working families (3&4 year old) place MUST have an eligible code on the first day of the funding period: 

  • Summer term     1st April 
  • Autumn term      1st September
  • Spring term        1st January

Eligible parents should continue to apply for, and reconfirm, their eligibility code even if they are not currently accessing their entitlement.  

If you are a parent who is unable to find suitable childcare, please contact  


Working Families Entitlements - Foster Carers

Foster carers can be eligible for the working families entitlements for children in their foster care, providing it is consistent with the child’s care plan and you and your partner (if any) are in paid employment outside your fostering role. Foster parents should apply directly to the responsible local authority to assess eligibility.  You should start by discussing this with your social worker at the earliest opportunity.  Applications must be made the term before you want to access the funded hours.  For foster parents, who are unhappy about decisions made by the local authority, then the foster parents should seek resolution through their social worker or though the local authority complaints process.

Working Families Entitlements - Appeals, compensation claims and complaints to HMRC

Families can ask HMRC to review their working families entitlement application if they disagree with the decision that they are not eligible.  If a parent misses out on a funded working families place, through no fault of their own, they may be eligible for some monetary redress from HMRC. Please note: the parent must have made their application before the termly deadline; and must have paid out for childcare that they would have otherwise have been entitled to for free (i.e. they must meet all other eligibility requirements, such as the child’s age and earnings threshold). If a parent thinks they meets these conditions they should make a complaint by the completing the standard HMRC complaints form or call the childcare service helpline on 0300 123 4097.

Universal 15 hours (all 3 & 4 year olds)

All three and four year olds are entitled to 570 free hours of early education per year, equivalent to 15 hours a week over a minimum of 38 weeks. Children can stretch their entitlement over more than 38 weeks a year.  This means taking fewer hours per week, subject to a maximum of 570 hours during the academic year.  Children can take their 15 hour entitlement the term after their 3rd birthday.   Families should approach their preferred childcare provider directly to arrange their universal 15 hour entitlement.          

A child may access their free place through:

  • nursery schools or nursery classes attached to schools
  • playgroups
  • child care day nurseries
  • private/independent schools
  • childminders

Three year olds born between dates shown (inclusive) will be eligible the term following their 3rd birthday:

1st April to 31st August.
The start of the autumn funding period following their 3rd birthday. That is September.

1st September to 31st December.
The start of the spring term funding period following their 3rd birthday. That is January.

1st January to 31st March.
The start of the summer term funding period following their 3rd birthday. That is April. (Please note that this is the case even if the Easter break falls after 1st April).

Information for Parents Accessing Funded Entitlements

Working Families Entitlements

Most parents applying for the working families entitlement will get an immediate determination of eligibility, however HMRC may require further information to make the decision for some parents. Parents should therefore apply in good time.

A parent must reconfirm that their details are up to date through their childcare account every three months (or through their local authority for foster parents) to maintain their eligibility for funded hours.

A child may be able to continue to take-up their free place for a limited period known as the ‘grace period’ after the parent falls out of eligibility for the working parent entitlements, to enable them to seek new employment and regain eligibility. 

A child is only entitled to start their free place, the funding period after the child has turned the relevant age and the child’s parent(s) have met the eligibility criteria and (if applicable) received a valid eligibility code.  Children can only access one of the 2 year old funded entitlements each term.  



Government funding is intended to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of free, high quality, flexible childcare.  It is not intended to cover the costs of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional services.

Providers can charge for meals and snacks as part of a free entitlement place and that they can also charge for consumables, and for additional services such as trips and specialist tuition.

Providers, who choose to offer the free entitlements, are responsible for setting their own policy on providing parents with options for alternatives to additional charges. 

Parents can choose to purchase additional hours of provision or additional services, but this must not be a condition of accessing a free place.

Providers must deliver the free entitlements consistently, so that all children within a setting accessing the early years entitlements receive the same quality and access to provision, regardless of whether they choose to pay for optional hours, services, meals or consumables.

Providers must be completely transparent about any additional charges when a parent first takes up their child’s free place, for example, for those parents opting to purchase additional hours or additional services.  Parents should ask about charges before confirming a place.  Parents can use Tax-Free Childcare and the childcare element of Universal Credit against payment for registered childcare. 

Providers cannot:

  • charge parents “top-up” fees (any difference between a provider’s normal charge to parents and the funding they receive from the local authority to deliver free places).
  • require parents to pay a registration fee as a condition of taking up their child’s free place.

Providers can charge a refundable deposit to parents accessing the free entitlements, but providers must refund the deposit to parents in a reasonable timescale.  Providers should make clear to parents any circumstances in which the provider would not be obliged to refund the deposit, for example if a parent fails to take up their place without sufficient notice.

Providers should make their admissions criteria and any fees for consumables, additional hours and services easily available to parents, to enable parents to make an informed choice of provider.

Providers should work with parents so that parents understand which hours / sessions can be taken as free provision.  Not all providers will be able to offer fully flexible places, but providers should work with parents to ensure that as far as possible the pattern of hours are convenient for parents’ working hours.

Providers’ invoices and receipts must be clear, transparent and itemised allowing parents to see that they have received their child’s free entitlement completely free of charge and understand fees paid for additional hours or services.  Invoices and receipts should include the provider’s full details so that they can be identified as coming from a specific provider.

Taking Up a Reception Place

Families cannot take the early years entitlement hours once their child is taking up a full time place in a state-funded school reception class.   or an independent school reception class that is funded by the local authority. 

Parents can choose to continue to take up their child’s free place at a private, voluntary or independent childcare provider or in a school nursery class (if the school allow this) until their child reaches compulsory school age (the term following the child’s fifth birthday), if they choose not to take up their child’s right to a place in a state-funded school reception class in the September following their child’s fourth birthday.


Related documents

Childcare sufficiency

This report below considers whether there is sufficient childcare in North Tyneside.

Related documents

Special educational needs and disabilities

Support to access the free early education and childcare places is available to children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  More information can be found in the Support for Children aged 0-5 Years section of the Local Offer.

Early years pupil premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium provides additional funding to providers, to support eligible children in early years settings to access their Government funded early years entitlements.  .  

Disability Access Fund

The Disability Access Funding supports eligible, disabled children’s access to the Government funded early years entitlements.

Complaints About Funded Childcare Offers

If you are not satisfied that your child has received their free place or with any aspect of the way they have received it you can follow the Authority's complaints procedure.

Wraparound childcare

Everything you need to know about before and after school childcare

We’re expanding wraparound care for primary school children across North Tyneside by increasing the number of places available, to support working families.

What is wraparound childcare?

Wraparound childcare is before and after school care for primary school aged children (reception to year 6) during term time, such as regular provision that generally runs from 8am until 6pm, but may vary to meet local needs.

This is different from out-of-school activities, or school clubs, which are less frequent and can be a one-off activity.

How do I find wraparound childcare near me?

Parents looking for childcare options for their primary school child, should speak to their child’s school or look at the wrapround childcare directory below to find out what wraparound childcare is currently available in the area.

Parents should start to see an increase in the number of wraparound childcare places available across the Borough.  There are no eligibility criteria for accessing new wraparound childcare places.

We encourage parents to talk to their child’s school about their need for wraparound childcare, even if it’s not currently available.

How much will it cost and is financial support available?

Providers will set their own fees for wraparound places, so prices will vary.  Parents and guardians will pay their wraparound childcare provider directly for their child’s place.

Households eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare will be able to use the support to help pay for wraparound care.

To check if you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare, visit Childcare Choices.

I'm a wraparound childcare provider, how can I add my business to your directory?

If you currently provide wraparound childcare in North Tyneside and would like to promote your business in this directory, please email

Wraparound childcare directory
Service type Name Contact Schools


Lea Philliskirk 07930 856878 Christ Church CofE Primary School, Waterville Primary School, Riverside Primary School
PVI provider Bailey Green 0191 250 9025 Bailey Green Primary School
Childminder Shelley Henderson 07812 632615 St Joseph's RC Primary School, Collingwood Primary School
Childminder Philippa Nichol 07715 300156 Westmoor Primary School
PVI provider Schools Out at Langley 0191 253 3452 Langley First School
Childminder Claire McIntyre 07841 382926 South Wellfield First School
Childminder Katie Eeles 07540 884925 Marine Park First School
Childminder Linda Chambers 07584 358288 Langley First School
Childminder Laura Thompson Southridge First School
Childminder Michelle Wallsend Jubilee Primary School, Redesdale Primary School
PVI provider Forest Hall Day Nursery and Out of School Club 0191 266 2545 St Mary's Primary School, Forest Hall Primary School, Westmoor Primary School
Childminder Claire McCourt 07717 203457 Whitley Lodge First School
Childminder Lesley Bower 07840 847229 Marine Park First School
PVI provider Shining Stars 07546 512311 Western Community Primary School
PVI provider Schools Out at Langley 0191 253 3452 Langley First School
Childminder Jean Nicholson 07969 531677 Hazlewood Community Primary School
PVI provider Kids Planet Southridge 0191 917 6665 Southridge First School
Childminder Bay Buddies Childcare 07896 444200 Marine Park First School
Childminder Catriona Earl 07708 103683 Rockcliffe First School
Childminder Kim McBriarty 07807 643691 Redesdale Primary School
Childminder Chloe Campbell 07794 152400 Western Community Primary School, Shining Stars Wallsend, Carville Primary School
Childminder Lisa Anderson 07769 209598 St Bartholomews Primary School, St Stephen's Primary School