How we can help
We aim to prevent offending and reduce re-offending by children and young people.
Our team consists of staff from:
- North Tyneside Council
- Northumbria Police
- National Probation Service
- Health services
Our work is overseen by a partnership board with an independent chair.
What we do
- assess the risk of re-offending and causing harm
- plan and manage interventions to reduce these risks
- work with partners to prevent further offending
- make sure children and young people completing our interventions have access to the full range of services to help their chances in life
- make sure that interventions with children and young people are driven by the needs of victims and communities affected by their offending
- make sure that victims are engaged in the restorative processes with children and young people who offend
- identify children and young people at risk of becoming involved in offending
- make sure targeted and evidence-based interventions are provided directly or by commissioning services
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Contact us
North Tyneside Youth Justice Service
Riverside Centre
Minton Lane
North Shields
NE29 6DQ
Telephone: (0191) 643 8605