Children missing from education

Children Missing from Education (CME)

By law all local authorities are required to identify children missing from education. In North Tyneside we are concerned about any child or young person who is missing out on their educational entitlement, as it may not only be their attainment at risk, but also their safety and welfare. That’s why we need your support.

By sharing information with us about the children and young people who you think or know are missing from education, we can make sure they are safe, and registered at a school or an alternative education setting as soon as possible.

Who are ‘children missing from education'?

These are children and young people of compulsory school age (aged 5-16) who are not on a school roll, being otherwise educated in alternative provision at home, or in private education, and who have been out of education for a substantial period of time.

Why do children go missing from education?

There are a number of reasons, including:

  • they don’t start school at the appropriate time and so they do not enter the educational system
  • they are removed by their parents due to disinterest, problems at school or poor attendance
  • they cease to attend, due to exclusion, illness or bullying
  • they fail to find a suitable school place after moving to a new area
  • the family move home regularly

What should I do if I am concerned about a child who is, or maybe missing from education?

If you are aware of a child who is either not in school or receiving education at home then please contact us as soon as possible.

Make a report online or call us on (0191) 643 8392.

We take referrals from professionals and the general public, both from North Tyneside and outside of the area.

What will happen when I report a concern?

By reporting your concerns you are ensuring the safety and well-being of some of the most vulnerable youngsters within our community. The sooner we can help a child missing education, the sooner we can help them deal with their problems. When children go missing from North Tyneside we will make every effort to find out whether they have arrived safely at a new school.