The Commissioning Service works to develop joint working with Clinical Commissioning Groups and other partners to ensure effective commissioning arrangements are in place to support the delivery of strategic priorities across North Tyneside.
We work with;
- Living Well North Tyneside
- North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) - please note from 1/07/22 the CCG function is replaced by the ICB (below)
- North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- Northumbria Healthcare Trust
- Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
- Healthwatch North Tyneside
- Care Quality Commission
- Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Think Local Act Personal
- Local Government Association
- Skills for Care
- Providers of social care services, including care homes, day care services and domiciliary care providers
The service also works with the customers of the services it provides to ensure they are good value and fit for purpose.
Healthwatch North Tyneside is the independent champion for people using local health and social care services in North Tyneside.
Healthwatch gathers and represents the views of adults, young people and children living or using services in North Tyneside.
Healthwatch North Tyneside is here to:
- Help people find out about local health and social care services
- Listen to what people think of services
- Help improve the quality of services by letting those running services and the government know what people want from care
- Encourage people running services to involve people in changes to care
The other web pages in the Commissioning section provide further information on how we work together with our partners and customers to deliver quality care services in North Tyneside for different groups of people.
Living Well North Tyneside
It’s often difficult to find useful information about local health and care services, as well as local events and services in your area to help you in everyday life.
Living Well North Tyneside is a new online service, It includes lots of information about living well, local activities and the support and services that are available to you.