Minor variations

Apply for a minor variation

Licensing Section

We recommend any enquiries you may have are submitted by email: liquor.licensing@northtyneside.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can also contact the team on the usual telephone number (0191) 643 2175.  Access to the Licensing Office will be by appointment only.


Apply for a minor variation* to a premises licence or club premises certificate.

* This includes:

  • minor alterations to the layout/structure of a premises
  • small adjustments to licensing hours
  • removing out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions
  • adding volunteered conditions
  • adding certain licensable activities

Related documents


An application costs £89.

Application process

Submit your application form and fee to us.

You must display a notice at the premises for 10 working days after you have submitted your application. You don't have to advertise the variation in a newspaper or send it to responsible authorities.

When we recieve the application we will decide if the application affects any of the licensing objectives and if so, which of the responsible authorities we need to consult.

Will tacit consent apply

No. Tacit consent does not apply to minor variations. We will determine your application within 15 working days.

Failed or refused applications

If your application is refused there is no appeal against this, but you can resubmit an application for a full variation.

Contact Licensing