Contact us
Building Control
North Tyneside Council
The Killingworth Site
Block A, Station Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6QQ
Telephone: (0191) 643 2200
What we do
Building Control is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in building and ensuring that the built environment in which we live and work is safe and healthy. The service ensures that building work in North Tyneside achieves acceptable standards of construction, as well as ensuring the health and safety for people in and around buildings.
Benefits of working with us
Building Control offers:
- high quality and consistent customer focused service tailored to suit your individual requirements
- valuable and free pre-submission advice
- full design appraisal based on practical interpretation and approach to the legislation and guidance - supported by issue of all formal certification (required if you sell or remortgage the property)
- individual risk-based inspection framework for your project
- extensive local knowledge