Food premises registration

Register a food business establishment

You must register with us at least 28 days beforehand. Register a food business establishment.

Changes to your existing establishment


There is no fee to register your food business with us.


You will need to make sure that:

  • your food premises are suitable (good design, layout and hygiene)
  • you and your staff are trained appropriately
  • you have proper systems in place to ensure that the food you sell is safe and of good quality (this applies whatever type of food business you run)

When selecting premises you should check that the building has planning permission for the type of food premises you intend to open. If you need to carry out any construction work or alterations you should check whether you need building regulation consent.

If you invite your customers to eat food or drink on the premises you will need to provide suitable and sufficient toilets for their use.

Information on food safety requirements can be found in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) booklet Food hygiene: A guide for businesses.

Will tacit consent apply?

No. It is in the public interest that we must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please contact us.

Failed or refused applications

If your application is refused or fails, please contact us.

Contact Environmental health