Camping sites

Apply to run a camp site

If your land is used as a camping site by the public for more than 42 consecutive days (or 60 days in a year) you need a licence from us.

Apply to run a camp site.

Conditions may be attached to a licence. There are exceptions for organisations that hold camping exemption certificates.

Changes to your existing caravan site or camp site


There is no fee for this licence.

Application process

When an application is made it will be deemed to be made unconditionally unless we give notice that it is refused or conditions are attached.

Will tacit consent apply?

You can act as though your licence has been granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion (28 calendar days).

Licence holder redress

Please contact us in the first instance.

A licence holder may appeal against a condition attached to a licence to their local Magistrates' Court.

Contact Environmental health