Scrap metal licensing


If you buy, sell or collect scrap metal in North Tyneside you will need a licence from us.

On 1 October 2013, the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 came into force and replaced all of the existing legislation for motor salvage operators and scrap metal dealers.

There are two types of licence - site and collector. They last for a period of 3 years unless revoked.

Tax Checks

HMRC is introducing a simple tax check that will take place when people renew their licences to deal in scrap metal.

The tax check will simply confirm that applicants are registered for tax if they need to be and will be required from 4 April 2022.

If you are renewing your licence, you will need a tax check reference number which you can get by submitting your details into the online service. The licensing authority will use this to confirm with HMRC that you have completed a tax check and will then reach a decision on the licence in the usual way.

In addition, all new applicants for a licence to deal in scrap will be required to confirm they understand their tax responsibilities and are aware of the guidance in order to be properly registered for tax in the future. In addition, all new applicants for a hackney carriage or private hire driver’s licence or a private hire operator’s licence will be required to confirm they understand their tax responsibilities and are aware of the guidance in order to be properly registered for tax in the future. 

Related documents

Site licence

The Act defines a site as 'any premises used in the course of carrying on business as a scrap metal dealer (whether or not metal is kept there)'. A dealer also includes someone carrying on business as a motor salvage operator.

All the sites where a licensee carries on business as a scrap metal dealer must be identified, and a site manager named for each site. This licence allows the licensee to transport scrap metal to and from those sites from any local authority area.


Licence fees
Licence Fee

New application


Variation application


Renewal application


Collector's licence

A collector is defined as 'a person who carries on business as a scrap metal dealer otherwise than at a site, and regularly engages in the course of that business in collecting waste materials and old, broken, worn out or defaced articles by means of door to door visits'.

This allows the licensee to operate as a collector in the area of the issuing local authority. It does not allow the collector to operate in any other local authority area, so a separate licence has to be obtained from each council that the collector wishes to operate in. The licence does not authorise the licensee to operate a site; to do so you will need a site licence from the relevant local authority.

If you have employees collecting with you they will not require a licence if it can be proved that they are employed by you. Alternatively, any person collecting scrap metal will require a licence


Licence fees
Licence Fee

New application


Variation application


Renewal application


Administrative charge
(including copy of licence)


Application process

You must provide:

  • application form
  • 1 passport style photograph of you (collectors)
  • basic DBS disclosure certificate dated within one calendar month of application
  • Tax check code for renewal applications
  • Fee (Debit/Credit card or cheque.  We no longer accept cash)

Will tacit consent apply?

No. It is in the public interest that we assess your suitability before any licence is issued.

Failed application redress

Contact us in the first instance.

Licence holder redress

Contact us in the first instance.

Contact Licensing