To celebrate Compost Awareness Week, North Tyneside Council is inviting its residents to take advantage of a fantastic offer on home composting.
As part of North Tyneside’s ‘Changing our thinking’ campaign the council has teamed up with GetComposting.com to offer a subsidised price, free delivery and a ‘buy one get one half price’ deal to residents on home composting bins.
The deal applies to both the 220 litre compost converter, which is now just £12.00, and the 330 litre version, now, just £15.00. The ‘buy one get one half price’ and free delivery allows residents to join together with neighbours or family to get maximum value for their money.
Composting at home allows for most kitchen and garden waste to be reused and turned into rich compost that can help keep gardens blooming.
For more information on compost bins, other environmental products available and to purchase your own compost bin please visit www.getcomposting.com and add in your postcode to see the offer.
How to compost
Getting free, high quality compost from a bin is easy. It just needs the right combination of ingredients in, almost like a recipe. Compost bins need a 50:50 mix of "green" and "brown" waste.
Greens include:
- Vegetable peelings
- Grass cuttings
- Tea bags
- Salad leaves
- Fruit
- Flowers
- Coffee grounds
- Nettles and young annual weeds
Browns include:
- Paper and cardboard, scrunched up or shredded
- Crushed eggshells
- Garden prunings
- Toilet roll tubes
- Vacuum bag contents
Notes to editors:
Benefits to composting:
- It’s easy to make and easy to use.
- Produces a free continual source of the very best compost.
- Improves soil structure.
- Maintains moisture.
- Helps the soil pH balance.
- Suppresses plant disease.
- Reduces the need for polluting bonfires.
- Reduces carbon emissions
- Helps to divert organic waste from landfill.
- Reduces refuse collection costs.