Applications are now open for the best of North Tyneside’s businesses to enter an annual competition.
North Tyneside Business Forum is now inviting businesses of all sectors and sizes to submit their applications for the 20th North Tyneside Business Awards.
Businesses can enter any of the five categories, and all individual winners will be automatically entered for the coveted North Tyneside Business of the Year Award.
And this year, there will be a new ‘Heart of the Community’ category, honouring businesses that have gone the extra mile to be a firm part of their local community. This could be by employing local people, showing commitment to the local area or just providing excellent customer service.
This award is open for the public to nominate a business they feel deserves this award, nominations for this award will be accepted until Friday 31 August.
Elected Mayor Norma Redfearn said: “The North Tyneside Business Awards are a fantastic way for us to show our appreciation to the businesses in North Tyneside and how they make our borough a great place to live, work and visit.
“Every year we have a number of fantastic entries and I’m looking forward to seeing what this year has in store for us.”
The other categories businesses can enter include:
New Business Award
The best new business created in North Tyneside which has been trading for less than 24 months.
• Summary of original business plan
• Potential for growth
• Greatest challenges and successes
Retail and Service Provider
Any business which sells a product or service.
• Quality and originality of the offer
• Evidence of great customer care and attention to customer needs
• Ability to move with the times and develop new techniques
Leisure and Tourism Provider
The business which has helped to enhance the leisure and tourism offer of North Tyneside.
• Quality and originality of the offer
• Growth of client base/profile of users outside of the borough
• Range of products and services to rival other business
Manufacturing and Construction
Any business which is in the engineering, manufacturing or construction field.
• How the business has adapted its offer to make best use of new technologies
• The use of local supply chains and services where possible
• Use of environmentally friendly products and services
Green Business & Sustainability Award
The business which has done the most to promote environmentally sustainable practices and reduce carbon emissions.
• Evidence of a clear carbon reduction/energy efficiency strategy
• Embedding “green thinking” in own workforce and more widely in the community
• Use of environmentally friendly products and practices
Special Contribution Award
The special contribution award is presented to an individual or organisation for their outstanding contribution to the economy or community of North Tyneside. This award is not open for applications.
The deadline for all applications is Friday 29 September. The competition is open to all private sector businesses from all sectors and sizes. All applicants must have been trading for a minimum of six months on September 29, 2016. For the purposes of this competition, Start-Ups are identified as those who have been trading for less than 24 months on September 29.
Sponsors for this years business awards are TEDCO, ENGIE, Capita, Kier and the North Tyneside Strategic Partnership. The main sponsor of North Tyneside Business Forum for 2017/18 is RSM.
This year’s ceremony will take place at the Village Hotel, Cobalt Business Park on Thursday 30 November.
Further information and an online application form can be found at www.northtynesidebusinessawards.co.uk.