A new safeguarding hub has been launched in North Tyneside to coordinate support and protection services for children and vulnerable adults.
The multi-agency safeguarding hub will be led by North Tyneside Council in partnership with Northumbria Police, health services and Harbour, a domestic abuse charity. Schools and probation services will also involved.
The hub, which will be based at North Tyneside Council’s head office, brings together professionals in one team to deal with issues quickly and effectively.
The professionals involved in safeguarding cases are currently based in a number of different locations, which can affect the speed of responding to a potential issue. The hub model aims to improve information sharing between the partners so that safeguarding concerns can be identified earlier and managed more efficiently.
Councillor Ian Grayson, Cabinet member for Children and Young People, said: “The hub model gives us a great opportunity to bring together the professionals who support vulnerable adults and children under one roof.
“It will provide a quick and efficient response to safeguarding concerns to ensure our most vulnerable residents are cared for and protected.”
Superintendent Brad Howe of Northumbria Police’s Safeguarding Department said: “This is about the exchange of information between those who have the specialist knowledge and experience of dealing with vulnerability.
“It helps us take a holistic view of individuals and families who have vulnerabilities and allows us to work together to protect those in our communities who can’t protect themselves.”
Jane Abbott, professional and operational lead for safeguarding at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The launch of the North Tyneside safeguarding hub is an xciting collaboration between partner agencies working together to protect our most vulnerable residents.
“The issues and challenges safeguarding poses go far beyond the work of any single organisation. This new integrated approach will allow us to effectively and efficiently tackle safeguarding concerns to make sure that all vulnerable residents in North Tyneside have the best possible protection.”
The new hub model will not affect now residents access services but it will change the way safeguarding cases are handled by the professionals involved. The hub will begin working from North Tyneside Council’s head office in late September.
PIC CAPTION: Members of the safeguarding hub (L-R): Simon Reid, Detective Constable, Northumbria Police; Jacqui Old, Head of Health, Education, Care and Safeguarding, North Tyneside Council; Kath Burns, Joanne Telford and Majella Tallack from North Tyneside Council; Councillor Ian Grayson, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.