Footpaths around a historic Georgian Square in the heart of North Shields are being improved by North Tyneside Council.
The existing paving around Northumberland Square is set to be replaced with new flagstones.
It will complement the council’s £4.83million transformation of the north side of the Square being delivered for the council by Aurora Properties.
The footpath works, which will be carried out by the council’s partner Capita, will start during w/c Monday, February 11 and be completed by mid-April.
They follow footpath improvements in North Shields town centre last year, which included Church Way, Bedford Street, Railway Street and Russell Street.
North Tyneside Elected Mayor Norma Redfearn said: “Northumberland Square is an important local landmark.
“We’re breathing new life into the area through a multi-million pound project to introduce 28 new high quality homes.
“Improving the borough’s footpaths is one of my priorities and replacing them around Northumberland Square will only enhance our major regeneration scheme.”
The footpath areas being improved are:
- the footpath on the northern and eastern side of Northumberland Square
- the footpath on the western side of Northumberland Square and the footpath on the opposite side of the road
- the footpath on the southern side of Northumberland Square adjacent to North Shields Customer First Centre as well as the entrances of the Customer First Centre and Beacon Centre
- the southern side of Northumberland Place from the junction of Church Way to Upper Camden Street/Northumberland Square.
The south eastern side of Northumberland Square is excluded as this was enhanced previously as part of Howard Street’s regeneration.
Access to properties, including North Tyneside Customer First Centre and The Beacon Centre, will be maintained throughout the works. Footpath diversions will be clearly signposted.
Some parking bays will be temporarily suspended while the team is working on the adjacent footpath.
When work is under way on the northern side of Northumberland Square, one of the two bus stops will be temporarily suspended – the other bus stop will cater for all services. The bus stop in use will change as work progresses.