Work is to start to improve a major road in North Tyneside as part of a new housing development.
Changes will be made to the A1056, which include widening the westbound approach to Weetslade roundabout, creating an access road for the development and new pedestrian crossings will be built.
It comes after Avant Homes was granted planning permission for a housing development on land north of Killingworth Way in 2017.
A condition of the consent was that Avant Homes enters into an agreement with North Tyneside Council – under section 278 of the Highways Act – to deliver highway improvements to accommodate increased traffic.
On Monday, August 12, work will begin to set up the main site compound for the project. This will be located on land north of Killingworth Way, just before Weetslade roundabout.
Following the set-up of the compound, the team will start constructing the housing development’s access road, with completion expected in early 2020.
To minimise disruption, the majority of works will be carried out off the carriageway, however, there may be times when temporary traffic signals are required during off-peak hours (9.30am-3.30pm).
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The work will be delivered by the council’s partner Capita.