A family has described how adopting has changed their lives for the better.
Next week (14-20 October) is National Adoption Week 2019 and families in North East are needed to take in some of the most vulnerable children.
One local couple who adopted siblings say it was the best thing they did and are urging others to do the same and open their homes too.
They said: “It is great for the children to be together, grow together and most of all they know they are wanted and that we choose them – to be our forever family.
“They can give each other support as they grow up and depending on ages they can talk to each other about their past.
“I can whole heartedly support and advise adopting a sibling group together. It changed our lives, their lives and our whole family lives for the better.”
Adopt North East, a new regional adoption agency combining local authority services from North Tyneside, Gateshead, Newcastle, Northumberland and South Tyneside, has children waiting to be adopted – particularly sibling groups.
The non-profit organisation puts the needs of adopted children and families at the forefront, together with the experience to provide high quality post adoption support.
In the North East, almost half of the children waiting for adoptive families are brothers and sisters in groups of two or more. Figures have shown that sibling groups wait longer than single children to be placed with a forever family.
Cllr Peter Earley, North Tyneside Council’s cabinet member for Children, Young People and Learning, said: “Adoption truly is life-changing for both the adopters and the children involved and transforms lives.
“As part of next week’s National Adoption Week we are calling on people to consider opening their home to a child or children in need of a loving and caring environment.
“We are particularly encouraging people to consider adopting sibling groups.
“Most people who adopt for the first time choose to take a single child into their family. However, if a child has brothers or sisters it is often in their best interests to stay with their siblings rather than be separated.
“I know there is exceptional support available from Adopt North East every step of the way so I would urge anyone considering adoption to find out more at one of the information events.”
The information events are taking place on Thursday 17 October at Adopt North East in Longbenton (10am, 2pm and 6.30pm).
You don’t have to come along to an information event to get in touch, the team will be happy to speak to you any time. You can contact them by telephone on (0191) 643 5000, email adoptnortheast@northtyneside.gov.uk or visit www.adoptnortheast.org.uk