One parent explains why Beacon Hill School is such an inspirational place for children and young people with learning disabilities and their families.
Jasmine loves Elsa from Frozen, Princess Jasmine, Mr Tumble, her new pink bedroom and reading The Enormous Turnip with her brother and sister. Jasmine is nine and has been a pupil at Beacon Hill since she was three. Her favourite things are the lovely warm swimming pool and her teachers.
Jasmine also enjoys learning how to cross roads safely. Beacon Hill has a range of road crossings and a replica Metro station which they use to teach pupils how to travel independently.
Sandra, Jasmine’s mam, is warm, friendly and much more patient than she used to be – something that Jasmine has taught her: “I’ve learned to let a lot of things go now. I’m far more patient than I was with my older children! I focus on what Jasmine can do rather than what she can’t and it makes a massive difference.
“Having a child with additional needs can be lonely and isolating at first and it’s difficult to know where to go. Once we were allocated our worker, Lynne from the portage team, we felt better informed.” Portage is a home-visiting, educational service for pre-school children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. Sandra explained: “Lynne looked after us and signposted us to all the services we needed for Jasmine during her early years.
“Once Jasmine was in reception at Beacon Hill I felt like it was all going to be alright. It is a wonderful school, everyone is warm and friendly, and it provides everything the children need including speech and language therapy, physio and occupational therapy.
“It is a safe space for children and young people with learning difficulties and their families. It has taught me to take one step at a time and celebrate everything Jasmine achieves.”
For further information on services for children and young people with SEND in North Tyneside, please visit www.northtyneside.gov.uk and search for ‘SEND Local Offer’.