Cabinet will hear how significant progress has been made to deliver ambitious plans for each part of North Tyneside.
In November 2018 North Tyneside Council unveiled its ‘An Ambition for North Tyneside’ vision.
Building on feedback from residents and businesses, it lays out a number of bold projects reflecting the authority’s ambition around its ‘our people’, ‘our place’ and ‘our economy’ themes.
It focuses on the needs of every part of the borough and sets out how the council hopes to help shape North Tyneside and make sure it is fit for the future.
A report going to Cabinet on Monday (25 November) details the progress which has been made by the council and its partners since the plan was first announced.
This includes work to develop a master plan to transform North Shields town centre and Fish Quay, refining plans for Segedunum Roman Fort, a World Heritage site in Wallsend, and engaging with the market to bring the Swan Hunter site back into beneficial economic use.
In addition, work has started to refurbish the upper floors of the Centre for Innovation in Wallsend to create more office space, family housing has replaced eyesore sites at the coast, flood defences have been improved at Killingworth Lake and the council has invested in housing, highways and schools.
Paul Hanson, Chief Executive, said: “Since our ‘An Ambition for North Tyneside’ plan was adopted over 12 months ago we have made significant progress in keeping our promise and delivering a range of projects that will make a real difference and keep North Tyneside a great place to live, work and visit.
“We have been working with a range of partners to look at how we can deliver meaningful change and unlock potential and opportunity and are continuing our efforts to make our bold plans reality.”
The report outlines what is being done now and what will happen next – as well as plans when funding and timing allows - in the south west, north west, south east and north east of the borough.
In the south west:
- A decision on the future of the Swan Hunter site is expected early next year following detailed consideration of all bids.
- A 15-year master plan is being developed to invest in the visitor offer at Segedunum.
- The later extensions of the GB Hunter Memorial Hospital will be demolished in 2020/21 and opportunities for the wider site will be explored.
- New, high-quality affordable housing will be created with work to start next year.
In the north west:
- Plans are being drawn up to further develop facilities at Killingworth Lake.
- The council is also looking to invest in the Wagonways to celebrate the borough’s rich mining heritage.
- Work will begin next year to procure the primary highway infrastructure for the Killingworth Moor housing site.
In the north east:
- Plans are being developed to complete refurbishment works to the rest of Northern Promenade, starting around the Rendezvous Café.
- Proposals for sporting facilities at Churchill Playing Fields with long-term plans to develop the site as a regional centre for sport.
In the south east:
- A master plan to transform North Shields town centre and Fish Quay is taking shape.
- Work with funding bodies to improve Northumberland Square Conservation Area and local infrastructure is continuing.
- The council is working closely with the owners of the derelict Tyne Brand site on the Fish Quay to bring it forward for residential purposes.
Regular progress reports on the plan will be made to Cabinet, the report concludes.