A route in Longbenton will be closed for five nights as part of North Tyneside Council’s major scheme to improve sustainable travel links to the city.
The local authority’s £5.5 million A189 Salters’ Lane Improvement Scheme aims to make it easier for people to get around.
The council’s partner Capita is now able to return to the West Farm Avenue area following the full reopening of Killingworth Road by Newcastle City Council.
Starting next week (13 January), the West Farm Avenue/Salters’ Lane junction will be closed for resurfacing for five nights between 8pm and 6am.
A clearly signposted diversion will be in place, with temporary traffic lights on Salters’ Lane to maintain two-way traffic.
Firstly, the workforce will remove the existing road surface – known as planing – then the new surface will be laid, with road markings applied shortly after.
There will be some unavoidable noise, such as vehicles reversing and planing, however, the contractors will do all they can to work in a considerate manner, which includes completing the more disruptive tasks before midnight.
The A189 Salters’ Lane Improvement Scheme has so far seen the installation of improved cycling and pedestrian facilities.
The bus lane has also been extended from Haddrick’s Mill to Gosforth Business Park to provide better public transport service reliability.
For further information, contact the Major Projects Team on Tel: (0191) 643 6500, or email: roads@northtyneside.gov.uk
Find out more about bus affected.
Bus services
During the closure (8pm-6am), bus services will operate as follows:
Service 54 will divert via Four Land Ends Interchange and Benton Park Road, omitting Killingworth Road, Salters’ Lane and West Farm Avenue. Buses will observe all stops on the diversion.
Service 62 journeys to/from Killingworth will be unable to serve Salters’ Lane, the BT Call Centre or Balliol Business Park West – diversion will be in place between 8pm and 6am each night.
Service 62 towards Killingworth – will run as normal along West Farm Avenue as far as the Stoneleigh Avenue roundabout where services will divert and travel non-stop via Stoneleigh Avenue and Blackfriars Way then West Farm Avenue and Benton Lane (observing stops on request) before re-joining the normal route at the Quorum/Balliol Business Parks.
Service 62 towards Newcastle – will operate via the same route in reverse. (Benton Lane, West Farm Avenue, Blackfriars Way and Stoneleigh Avenue, re-joining the normal route on West Farm Avenue once again)
Service 18A (operated by Gateshead Central Taxis) will divert via Benton Park Road and Benton Lane, omitting Killingworth Road, Salters’ Lane and West Farm Avenue. Buses will observe all stops on the diversion.