Our lives have been put on hold by the coronavirus and I know that many people are feeling isolated and anxious, and desperate for a return to normality.
We are now into our second week of lockdown and I wanted to reassure our residents that, no matter what this crisis throws at us, your local authority will be there to support you and provide the essential services you rely on.
We will get through this together.
I know this because of the way in which people across our borough have stepped up to support our most vulnerable residents and follow the stay-at-home rules that will protect our NHS and ultimately help to save lives.
I was greatly moved by the national applause for our NHS staff and care workers. It was a very simple gesture that momentarily brought people together, even in their isolation, and allowed our community spirit to shine through.
We are hugely indebted to the men and women of our health service, for their courage and commitment in leading the charge against the coronavirus.
The same is true of our emergency services, community and voluntary sector, local government colleagues and our own staff here at North Tyneside Council.
Our teams are working exceptionally hard to ensure we continue to provide the essential services our residents rely on, even as we face significant logistical challenges of our own.
Volunteers have been stepping forward to provide cover for colleagues in other areas of the council and protect our services against potential staff shortages, and we have also deployed volunteers to lend a hand at The Bay Foodbank, in North Shields.
We are told by the Government to expect that things may get worse before they get better, but the solidarity and strength of character in our North Tyneside communities gives me hope that we will come through this.
Please continue to take care of each other, stay at home, help to save lives.
North Tyneside’s Elected Mayor, Norma Redfearn CBE