Over recent days North Tyneside has seen a small increase in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19.
North Tyneside has had 24 cases over the past 14 days, which is the highest number of cases over the same time period since mid-June.
In comparison with other areas of the UK the rates are significantly lower, but a North Tyneside health official has issued a warning to all residents to take action now.
Wendy Burke, North Tyneside Council Director of Public Health, said: “The rise in cases is a reminder that Coronavirus has not gone away.
“It is easy for us to become complacent but we all have a part to play to prevent the spread.
“We have seen a particular rise in cases among those aged 18 to 49 and my plea to those people who are socialising is to please take extra precautions.
“Nobody wants restrictions to return to North Tyneside but if cases continue to rise we would have to face up the real threat to our freedoms.
“The health and wellbeing of our residents is always our top priority. The health of our residents, especially those most at risk, remains at the heart of all our planning.
“We can all help to minimise the spread of coronavirus by continuing to observe government and public health guidelines, including socially distancing, following good hygiene practices, wearing face coverings as per the national guidance and recognising symptoms. If you visit a restaurant or pub, please record your contact details with the premises to help the NHS Test and Trace service.
“If you have symptoms of Coronavirus, you must self-isolate immediately with your household and you must get tested. If you are identified as a ‘close contact’ by the NHS Test and Trace Service you will need to self-isolate for 14 days even if you do not have symptoms and if even you test negative during the 14 day isolation period.”
Symptoms of Coronavirus include, a high temperature, new continuous cough and a loss or change in your sense of taste and smell.
If you develop symptoms your household contacts will also be required to self-isolate. More information on self-isolation is available on the NHS website.
If you have been identified as a close contact of a confirmed case, you will need to complete your 14-day isolation period even if you test negative. There is detailed guidance on the NHS website.
For more information, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-and-tr...