North Tyneside Council is inviting views on the ways it tackles rogue landlords.
The local authority is introducing a new policy that sets out when and how enforcement action will be taken against landlords who do not comply with their legal obligations.
It follows approval by the council’s Cabinet of the use of extra powers, including civil penalties of up to £30,000, to enforce private sector housing standards.
Cllr Carole Burdis, cabinet member for Community Safety and Engagement, said: “We want to support good landlords and protect tenants from rogue landlords who provide poor housing conditions.
“This new policy aims to ensure that all those involved in the provision of private sector housing are fully aware of their responsibilities. Importantly, it also clearly sets out the action that we will take if a landlord’s practices are unacceptable.”
Consultation on the draft Private Sector Housing Enforcement and Civil Penalty Policy begins today (Monday, February 8) and will close on Monday, March 22.
The draft strategy can be viewed on the council website at www.northtyneside.gov.uk by searching for ‘Have your say’.
People can give views via the council website at www.northtyneside.gov.uk, email: environmental.health@northtyneside.gov.uk or write to: Frances McClen, Public Protection, North Tyneside Council, Cobalt Business Park, Silverlink North, NE27 0BY.
The enforcement of private sector housing standards is carried out for the council by its partner Capita.