North Tyneside Council is asking whether there should continue to be restrictions on new pubs, bars, restaurants and clubs in parts of Whitley Bay and Tynemouth.
It is also asking whether any other areas of the borough should face the same restrictions.
A Cumulative Impact Area has been in operation in parts of Whitley Bay and Tynemouth since 2014, which means there is a presumption against granting a new alcohol licence or changing an existing one.
If representations against the application are received, it will normally be refused unless the applicant can demonstrate they will not be adding to the cumulative impact of licensed premises in the area.
A Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA), which sets out the evidential basis for the restrictions, was last published in 2018. Under Section 5A of the Licensing Act 2003, local authorities must review the CIA every three years.
Based on the draft CIA, which includes updated evidence from Northumbria Police, North Tyneside Council is not proposing to change the current Cumulative Impact Areas.
The draft CIA is on the ‘Have your say’ section of the council website.
Consultation will run from Monday, August 2 to Sunday, September 12 2021. People can give views on the assessment and the two Cumulative Impact Areas in Whitley Bay and Tynemouth. They can also provide evidence in support of the inclusion of new Cumulative Impact Areas.
Views can be provided via the council website at www.northtyneside.gov.uk, email: liquor.licensing@northtyneside.gov.uk or writing to: Licensing, Block C, Killingworth Site, Harvey Combe, Killingworth, NE12 6UB.
North Tyneside Council’s Licensing service is delivered for the local authority by its partner Capita