North Tyneside Council congratulates everyone collecting their GCSE results today (August 12).
Despite a challenging year, they have achieved brilliant results.
North Tyneside Elected Mayor, Norma Redfearn CBE said: “I’d like to congratulate everyone picking up their GCSE results today.
“Despite these unprecedented times, our young people have continued to shine, achieving brilliant results, and are a true credit to their families, schools and this borough.
“I am sure that they will go on to do amazing things in the future, whether that is through further education, an apprenticeship or other job opportunities.
“I’d also like to once again thank all the teachers and school support staff, as well as parents and carers, who have shown great flexibility and commitment to ensuring children and young people continue to be educated, safe and cared for.”
Cllr Peter Earley, cabinet member for Children, Young People and Learning added: “There’s no doubt that it’s been another disruptive year for all young people, however they have once again demonstrated just how brilliant they are. I’d like to congratulate everyone on their GCSE results. I hope they reap the rewards of their hard work and I’d like to wish them every success and happiness for the future.”
For those young people who would like support, North Tyneside Council’s Connexions team is on hand to help. Connexions advisers are available to support young people receiving A-level and GCSE results this week. Advisers will be attending those schools that are opening for exam results and additional advisers will be available to contact by telephone and email for young people whose schools are emailing results. Advisers will also continue to provide support to young people following results days. The Connexions Team can be contacted via www.skillsnorthtyneside.org.uk.