North Tyneside Council is set to launch North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board with a week of online mental health sessions.
To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week (9 – 15th May 2022), the virtual learning and development sessions will take place each day.
The sessions are open to all the council’s partners and their workforce. They will cover a range of topics including mindfulness, and the impact of life events on mental health. We hope that you will join us throughout the week to mark the launch, and raise awareness of mental health across the borough.
The courses include the following:
Monday 9 May
The role of the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) in supporting staff wellbeing and mental health – examining the role of the PNA and the positives this role can compass, including supporting staff wellbeing and enhancing staff experience. This will explore the emphasis of restorative supervision and the benefits of this approach to staff mental health and wellbeing.
Hosted by Kate Crawford, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner, NHCFT
Tuesday 10 May
Mental health and hoarding – explore what a hoarding disorder is and what are the social costs, characteristics and causes. It will then explain the associations between hoarding and various mental health conditions, such as anxiety, OCD and autism and explain the safeguarding implications of specific type of hoarding related to domestic squalor.
Hosted by Profession Nick Neave, Director of the Hoarding Research Group, Northumbria University.
Think FAMILY – The impact of mental health problems on children and young people – a look at parental mental health and the impact this can/ and might have on the whole family, thinking about adversities, recognition and prevention. This will provide a reflection on the importance of considering the parent, child and any other adult family members when assessing needs particularly taking into account a parent suffering from mental health.
Hosted by Kate Crawford, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner, NHCFT
Wednesday 11 May
Mental Health, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - explore the inter-relatedness between Domestic abuse and Sexual Violence and the impact on Mental Health. This will look at the importance of having a victim centred approach and the model within the acute hospital trust and how this integrates with other agencies. This session will also touch on the newly drafted sexual violence pathway in the acute trust.
Hosted by Amy Goffin, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Practitioner, NHCF
Loneliness project – aims to raise awareness of the services within the VODA partnership
Hosted by Josie Robinson, People and Project Managers, VODA
Thursday 12 May
Introduction to mindfulness – this session will explore mindfulness as a tool to improve or maintain wellbeing. It covers stepping out of autopilot, the benefits of mindfulness, different ways to practice mindfulness and a short taster practice. To get the most out of this session, we recommend participants attend in a place where they’re unlikely to be disturbed or distracted by other people.
Hosted by Dave Fellows, Public Health Practitioner, North Tyneside Council
Action of happiness – learn about the 10 keys to happier living. An evidence-based way to create a happier and more meaningful life and how to put them into action.
Hosted by Helen Latham, Whitey Bay 10 Keys to Happier Living group
Friday 13 May
Trauma informed resources and techniques – explore how to create a safe place using a technique from NICE guidance approved trauma therapies. It looks at how Bio-Psycho Social Model of trauma and how to use this for psycho education and strategies.
It will provide further resources that you can use in your practice and will end on practicing trauma narratives. These are narratives of hope and recovery that were recently featured within Social Work England Week.
Hosted by Stephanie Hunter Dip S/W. BA, BSC, MA Advanced Award in Social Work, PGCE, FHEA.
Learning disability and mental health – This session will cover Learning Disability and Mental Health from a dual perspective (includes autism). This will link in importance of support and communication pathways; including early intervention and the importance of reasonable adjustments being implemented for an acute hospital admission. This will additionally link in NHSI Learning Disability Standards and the Diamond Acute Care Pathways and the importance of multiagency working for equality of care for people with a learning disability. This will also incorporate the difficulties in diagnosing mental health in someone with a learning disability and looking at how treatment might differ.
Hosted by Sarah Barnard, Acute Liasion Learning Disability Professional Lead, NHCFT
To book your place on any of the above sessions, please email Juliet Morris: Juliet.morris@northtyneside.gov.uk