The International Day for the Elimination of Racism takes place on 21 March each year, the day when the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.
Since that day in 1960, the apartheid system in South Africa has been dismantled, racist laws and practices have been abolished in many countries and across the globe we’ve built a strong framework to support us in the fight against racism.
As a society, we’re much more aware of how the language and words we use can have an impact on people. We’re more inclusive of diverse cultures. We talk more openly about the impact of racism.
But, there still so much more to do.
Too many individuals, communities, societies, and religions continue to suffer from the injustices and stigma that racism brings.
There are still conversations every day that show how pre-conceptions and racism still exist in our society.
As a borough, we have opened our homes to those fleeing the war in Ukraine and it’s been fantastic to see just how welcoming our residents have been. It’s a brilliant example of how diversity and inclusion create a safe and happy society.
It’s undeniable that there may have been challenges faced along the way, from language barriers to people’s reluctance to accept changes in their communities but as a borough, we have stood strong together with Ukrainian refugees to show how when we all come together, we make real changes.
Our ambition is to create a welcoming, diverse borough. One where people of all ages, races, religions and more live together in harmony. Where residents are free to express themselves in any way they choose, without the fear of abuse of harm.
By choosing to challenge racism, we can achieve this.
We have experienced too many incidents in the past where racism has caused harm and cost the lives of others. By having conversations like this today, we are making steps forward.
Racism and discrimination can be different for every person who experiences it, it isn’t a universal experience or one that looks and sounds the same each time.
There’s a range of support available in North Tyneside for anyone who has experienced racism, discrimination or abuse.
I am proud that as a council we recently passed a Hate Crimes Policy, making it clear to residents how they can report any incidents of racism they may face. Reporting these incidents may be intimidating, but we cannot allow these incidents to pass without taking action.
To report hate crime, use the ‘Tell Us Something’ page on the Northumbria Police website, or call 101.
In an emergency, or if a crime is taking place, always ring 999.