A much-loved children’s television and book character will be making a special appearance in North Tyneside next week.
Peter Rabbit will be visiting Wallsend Library on Thursday 22 February, on the hour, at intervals between 10am and 2.30pm.
There will be a range of free craft activities and opportunities to take photographs.
While meeting Peter, children can also visit The World of Peter Rabbit™ Storytime Trail which is at the venue until Saturday 24 February.
This interactive exhibition is a walkthrough experience where little bunnies can crawl under the garden gate, hide in a watering can and see their reflection in a mirror pool, just like Peter!
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter was first published by Frederick Warne & Co, now part of Penguin Random House UK, back in 1902.
The appearance and trail are funded by the North of Tyne Combined Authority Town and High Streets Fund.
Wallsend Library is open between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday and from 9am until 1pm on Saturdays.
For further information, see www.visitnorthtyneside.com.