We'd like your input on what more we can do, as we progress towards our carbon net-zero 2030 target.
You don't need to be an expert, you just need live or work in North Tyneside and care about making our Borough greener!
Net-Zero means getting a balance between the number of emissions produced into the atmosphere and the number of emissions removed from the atmosphere. This could be by reducing the number of emissions created by vehicles or manufacturing, using technology to capture emissions from the atmosphere, or planting more trees to absorb emissions.
North Tyneside Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 which built upon the work we had been doing for well over a decade. As part of that, we published the North Tyneside Net-Zero 2030 Action Plan based on a range of perspectives, covering both our own council operations and for the borough as a whole. We're halfway through our journey towards our net-zero goal, so we'd like you to have your say and help us shape the future as we review our plan up to 2030.
The council is only directly responsible for two per cent of the borough’s carbon emissions, so absolutely needs the help of our community to achieve this target.
The online survey can be found on the council website here and is open until Sunday 17 March.