Battle Hill Big Read promotes reading and physical activity

A new initiative is harnessing the power of reading and physical activity to bring residents together.

Battle Hill Big Read invites local people to read The 31 Days of May, by local author Helen Aitchison.

In partnership with Infinity Fitness, a community gym in Battle Hill, the project offers a shared reading experience aimed at strengthening community ties while promoting the benefits of reading and staying active.

Helen will attend the launch event at the gym on Tuesday 11 February, from 11am, to meet participants and discuss the book.

Copies of The 31 Days of May will be available to borrow, encouraging a cycle of shared reading throughout the community.

Helen said: “The 31 Days of May is about serendipity, strength, and support from strangers. With a focus on mental and physical health, the book emphasises that we are all searching for our people and place in the world — and community is a big part of this.

“As a local author and someone who has accessed a variety of groups and services for my own health and well-being, it’s important for me write about these topics. “I’m delighted and grateful to be part of such an amazing community project that will raise awareness, promote well-being, and create connection.”

For more information or reading suggestions visit Battle Hill Library on Tuesday or Thursday (9am-1pm; 2pm-5.30pm) or Saturday (9am-1pm). Contact: 0191 643 2255.

10 February 2025 - 5:22pm

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