Anyone wanting to enter one of the UK’s most scenic running events is urged to get their entry in fast.
Over 1,300 people have now signed up for the 12th annual North Tyneside 10k Road Race – on Easter Sunday – and the deadline is approaching.
The route takes in North Shields Fish Quay, Tynemouth Priory and Castle, Cullercoats, Spanish City and a long stretch of coastline, before finishing in sight of St Mary's Lighthouse in Whitley Bay.
Over 2,000 runners take part each year and they are a mix of the region's best club runners, fun runners and people that travel from around the UK to compete.
Cllr Eddie Darke, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism, said: "Now it its 12th year, the race has established itself as a firm favourite in the sporting calendar. With the route taking in such beautiful scenery, it's not surprising that it's so popular.”
Chip timing is used and runners receive their winning time by text message, as well as the chance to see a video clip of themselves crossing the line.
The last race was won by Tadele Mulugeta in a time of 30 minutes 51 seconds, narrowly missing the course record. The first female runner over the line was Justina Heslop.
The North Tyneside 10k Road Race is organised by North Tyneside Council and supported by Start Fitness, TyneMet College and Northumbria Spring Water.
Entry fees are £17 for club runners and £18 for non-club runners. The race is open to those aged over 15 only.
For more information or to enter the event, see www.visitnorthtyneside.com.