The final steps are being taken towards ensuring North Tyneside is in the strongest position possible to manage future development in the borough.
North Tyneside Council’s Local Plan – which has been informed by public opinion – seeks to prepare for growth and safeguard against planning applications being received which don’t fit in with the borough’s objectives.
Local authorities are required by Government to produce a Local Plan outlining how land will be used for new homes and industry over a 15-year period.
The Government has made it clear that if North Tyneside does not have a Local Plan by early 2017 it will intervene and produce one on its behalf, which would mean the council could have less control over future development.
The blueprint has been subject to an independent public examination, which finished on 7 December 2016 following weeks of hearings, conducted by a Government-appointed Inspector.
Local residents’ groups, landowners, key stakeholders and council officers were all given the chance to have their say on the Plan.
Since the conclusion, advice from the Inspector shows that he agrees with the proposals put forward by the council in its Plan, including the number of new homes needed and the sites earmarked for development.
The Inspector has also helped guide a range of modifications to the Plan, having heard evidence from everyone involved in the examination process. The majority of these modifications are of a technical nature.
A six-week consultation period is underway from today (Monday 23 January) where people can comment on the main modifications to the Inspector for his consideration. Anyone who registered as a consultee when the draft Local Plan originally went out to public consultation will be notified directly.
Cllr John Harrison, North Tyneside Council’s cabinet member for Housing and Transport, said: “We are pleased that the advice we have received from the Inspector shows that he is in agreement with the proposals we originally put forward.
“As a council we have to come up with a Local Plan – if we don’t we would have less control over how the borough develops and grows in the coming years. Our Plan seeks to prepare for future growth while safeguarding against future planning applications which could be wrong for the borough.
“We have taken advice from the Inspector about modifications to the Plan that have been identified and this is the last chance for consultees to make their views known on these.”
The North Tyneside Local Plan has been subject to extensive engagement with residents and businesses since 2013. During the formal consultation period 10,000 comments were received, 44 public events attended by 1,300 people were held, and all 92,000 households written to. An online consultation was also held.
This stage of consultation, which runs until 8 March, is only on the main modifications and only comments on those will be considered by the Inspector before he finalises his report.
Once finalised, the Inspector’s report will be presented to Full Council who will be asked to formally adopt it.
More information about the consultation is available in Customer First Centres and online at http://northtyneside-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/local_plan/local_pla...
Notes to editors:
In October 2015, following public consultation the council agreed to put forward a Local Plan based on ‘medium’ growth figures over a 15-year period (2011-32).
The figures were worked out by using Government policy and national and local evidence at the time – any less would not have been accepted by Government.
The three options for growth in the borough between 2011 and 2032 were:
- High = 21,000 homes
- Medium = 17,388
- Low = 12,264
Following the public examination, according to the Inspector’s feedback the number of homes that should be built in the borough each year has only shifted in a minor way. This is despite changes in national policy and revised population figures since the draft Plan was submitted.