Businesses in the construction sector have been given a platform to share their knowledge and experience with their peers.
The North Tyneside Business Forum has re-launched the ever-popular Construction Forum for businesses in the borough.
It has been set up to allow local construction businesses to engage with their supply chain, open up the route to industry bodies and share upcoming events and contract opportunities.
And last week, the launch was celebrated with the forum’s first event. ‘Win Contracts and Get Paid on time’ was held at Godfrey Syrett’s Hub 47, in Killingworth on Friday 27 January.
Local businesses were joined by special guest speakers Allan Poole, from Waters & Gate Credit Management, and Kevin Hayes, of Meridian Venture, who offered guidance on topics such as how to maximise prompt payment and how to be best placed in bidding for contracts.
A wide variety of events are planned for 2017, including ‘Meet the Buyer’ and breakfast meetings which will provide an opportunity for companies and trades in North Tyneside to network and work together.
North Tyneside Council works closely with support from organisations within the region including Construction Alliance North East and NEPO, who share the same aim of striving to give local businesses the best opportunity to win local contracts.
For more information or to register your interest in an event, email business.forum@northtyneside.gov.uk or check http://www.northtynesidebusinessforum.org.uk/