North Tyneside Council is aiming to save millions of pounds and help the environment by exchanging thousands of street lamps.
7,300 sodium lamps across the borough are set to be replaced with modern energy-efficient LED street lights.
The £1.95 million upgrade will save around £500,000 annually and will have paid for itself within four years.
It is estimated that the scheme will generate savings of £7.9 million over the next 17 years and will slash carbon emissions by 1,500 tonnes a year, which represents a 7% reduction in the council’s carbon footprint.
The scheme will be rolled out in July 2017 and be completed by June 2018.
Councillor John Stirling, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “The new LED lights are more cost-effective and efficient than traditional lamps in every way. They're longer-lasting, cheaper to maintain, and they help the council to reduce its carbon footprint while also reducing light pollution.
“I think this is an excellent example of the council using innovation and modern technology, while investing to save. The project will go a long way towards meeting our carbon reduction targets in the coming years, and will also help us financially as we continue to grapple with the constant challenge of government budget cuts.”
The installation work will be carried out by the council’s partner organisation, SSE.
The project is being delivered as part of the council’s Low Carbon Plan 2016-2027 and builds on the recent innovations within the council’s biggest buildings, such as installing LED lighting and a combined heat and power unit.