Voters in North Tyneside have re-elected Labour candidate Norma Redfearn as their Mayor.
The mayoral election was held yesterday (4 May) to determine which candidate would hold the post of Elected Mayor of North Tyneside. The turnout for the mayoral election was 52,921 (34.25%) and Norma Redfearn was elected with 29,655 (56.3%) votes.
Conservative candidate Stewart Hay received 16,164 votes (30.5%), Liberal Democrats candidate John Appleby received 3,537 (6.7%) and UKIP candidate Stuart Houghton received 3,248 (6.1%).
On hearing the election results, Norma Redfearn said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of North Tyneside for re-electing me for a second term.
“I think that this reflects the good progress we have made over the last four years, and my commitment to delivering on our priorities over the coming years. During this time, I will continue to be a listening mayor for everyone in North Tyneside.”
Norma Redfearn has been the Elected Mayor for North Tyneside since 2013, and is the first Elected Mayor in the borough’s history to be returned as Mayor for a second term.
In a referendum held in 2016, voters decided to keep the Mayor and Cabinet governance system in North Tyneside instead of changing to a Council system with committees of elected councillors.
There were no elections for ward councillors on this occasion so the political make up of North Tyneside Council remains as:
Labour: 51
Conservative: 7
Liberal Democrat: 2