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New powers can be used against rogue landlords on North Tyneside.
At a meeting of North Tyneside Council’s Cabinet last night (October 15), members approved the use of extra powers, including civil penalties of up to £30,000.
Available under the Housing and Planning Act 2016, the penalties offer an alternative to prosecution and the extension of rent repayment orders to cover more offences, including illegal eviction.
The enforcement of private sector housing standards is carried out for the council by its partner Capita.
Cllr Carole Burdis, cabinet member for Community Safety and Engagement, said: “This is good news for tenants in North Tyneside.
“In the majority of cases, private landlords are providing good quality, affordable accommodation for their tenants. However, where there are issues these additional powers will help our team to take swift and effective action.”
The new powers will be used as an alternative to prosecution, which is a lengthy and costly process that often fails to resolve issues for tenants in a timely manner.
They will be used for the following offences under the Housing Act 2004, including:
Failing to carry out works to a property to remove any harmful hazards, which will result in an Improvement Notice being served
Allowing more people to live at a House of Multiple Occupation than authorised
Contravention of an Overcrowding Notice, which has been served on a property
Failing to comply with management regulations where there are unsatisfactory management arrangements in a House of Multiple Occupation.
Notes to editors:
The council works closely with landlords and its partners to ensure privately rented homes are up to standards.
It works with owners of any empty properties to find out why the house is empty and provide the advice and support they need to bring their property back into use. In the last five years, it has helped over 250 owners return their properties to use, 35 procured as affordable housing units.
The local authority also has a partnership with a non-for-profit company to improve energy efficiency in homes, such as improving central heating systems and installing cavity wall and loft insulation, at little or no cost to the tenant or landlord.
Vulnerable tenants in the private rented sector are supported and empowered by its Safe and Healthy Homes team to work with their landlords to ensure repairs and improvements are undertaken, while it also tries hard to ensure our landlords understand their responsibilities by offering joint training with a national landlord organisation throughout the year.