Fit for purpose-How we are organised Budget Proposal
Consultation details
How we are organised;
As services change the organisation must change with them. This proposal aims to ensure the organisation is reshaped to reflect changes in services and reductions in resources. In addition to changes in service delivery it also aims to ensure the organisation’s infrastructure is changed and shrinks in line with the rest of the organisation with resultant changes in overheads and recharges. This will include taking opportunities to streamline the Council’s decision-making infrastructure and processes where appropriate. In addition making sure that infrastructure is tested against best practice, the priorities of the Mayor and Cabinet and the market.
Deliver an Estates Strategy which supports the Council Plan and reduces the costs of our assets; supporting work to protect the cultural offer and develop our Community Hubs this proposal will deliver a targeted programme of cost reduction across the Authority’s asset base with work including rationalisation of the depots, acquisition and divestment and planned asset maintenance that is shaped by the priorities of the Mayor and Cabinet. This proposal aims to save money.
• Business-driven transformation of information systems and information technology; the Authority makes significant investment in technology but capacity and capability have been an issue in a fast changing environment. This proposal builds on work already underway but seeks to make explicit the planned delivery to support business change and make the connection to targeting IS/IT investment in those services with highest demand and cost. This includes the delivery of self-
service, new systems for social care, mobile working and support to the development of our Community Hubs. All of which avoid costs and save money.
Sourcing, supply chain and commercials; more than half of the Authority’s expenditure is to third parties and with a supply chain of almost 4,500 organisations and individuals it is critical that the sourcing, supply and commercial arrangements are as sharp as possible. This proposal aims to look beyond the large scale commissioning and major partnerships to ensure all of the supply chain is subject to a rigorous value for money test and best practice category management is applied. This proposal will also consider how best we deliver procurement services for the Authority.