North Tyneside Council is proposing to launch a new £1 million fund to help some of the poorest people in the borough.
As part of its budget for 2020/2021, the council is directing this new funding to help reduce the impacts of poverty on thousands of people across North Tyneside – people of working age, families, children and pensioners.
The fund will target the areas of greatest need in the borough and will be aimed at tackling the many different ways in which having to live in poverty can affect people - from a financial, social and health perspective.
The current poverty situation in North Tyneside shows that more than 19,000 (9%) North Tyneside residents live in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods in England, and 24,219 residents (12%) living in the most deprived 20% of neighbourhoods.
Around 42% of children in the most deprived wards (Riverside, Chirton and Howdon) are living in poverty, compared to an average of 1 in 5 children across the borough as a whole. The proportion of residents experiencing financial hardship is greater in this part of the borough, where 14% of people have not been able to afford food and 20% cannot pay fuel and energy bills.
Recently, a national survey by Just Group also found that 46% of pensioner homeowners are failing to claim any state benefits, while a further 18% are claiming but receiving less than they are entitled to. It shows that those who don’t claim anything are each missing out on an average of £1,423 a year per household, while those receiving too little are underclaiming by £2,102 a year.
The proposals will be discussed at the council’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 29 June and work to start setting up the fund will begin in July.
They will be brought forward by North Tyneside’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Bruce Pickard, and Councillor Ray Glindon, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources.
Councillor Bruce Pickard, Deputy Mayor of North Tyneside, said: “Tackling poverty in our area is a fundamental priority for this council and we know from listening to our residents where help is needed.
“The new fund will provide vital and timely support to our residents who are facing hardship. It will target the financial, social, and health impacts of poverty and will mean that we can make a real and very practical difference to people’s lives.
"We are determined to find a way to help our poorest residents and to be able to loosen the grip of poverty, which means that people are often faced with very stark choices – even to be able to afford the basics which others simply take for granted.”
Councillor Ray Glindon, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, said: “We have been working on these plans for some time and, although the full impact of Covid-19 is not yet known, we can be sure this will make things more difficult for those already struggling. This makes our planned intervention even more important as we move into our recovery phase.”
The council will work in partnership with key stakeholders across the borough to determine how best to target the funding.